Ufo 3· Oilfervation 2. The P4rable of the Ten Pirgins, in ir, (though not grofs) nay do but decay in what once you had ; many fay it is more h~re,chen ever; I deny it utterly, unlefs it be :eo them that are fecure ; and 1f lt ~ fo, the lofs of your fir!l love (a fmall thing, &c.) will haflen breaking._ Ler this. truth therefot;e be a burning Beacon eo awaken you ; for God wlll make thiS word good, and nor let one circle of U: fall to the ground. E:r.-ra to. 3· them that trembled put away their firanoe wives, and . wept fore for it; fo do you ; you think you may have this and the Lord coo . true, but the Lord will not long abidj: with you if fecure. ' . Hence fee the rea~ on why the Word flrikes deep, and !s very fmart fomeumes upon the confctences of men, that aman fpeaks as If h: were in their very bofom, that a man faith, God is here, that the Lord leaves thee with fad qualms upon thy confeience, and no peace from all (it is oft fanttified unlefs no grace) nay, after all this -afllietion comes; if thou were not fecure, why would rhe Lord cry, make his Word cry, and his Rod cry? e>-c. at1d therefore be not weary of either, butelefs the Lord for, and quietly bear both; unlefsi had thoie terrors within, and aflli6tions without, I had gone allray, P fa!. 32.4, 5• '])avid was fecure and kept filence, he confeffed, and the Lord pardoned· for. this fhall every one that is godly feek; Oh fo do you ! think then, am no~ I in the number ? oh let me feek then and confefs my fin ! CHAP. VI. Of the certainty of Cbrifts coming. SECT. I. gHat thoug~ the-coming ef 1•fm Chrift to his Churches he /au, ftt · zt u certazn. . For though it be midnight, yet me comes we fee : For this coming at midnight is not to be undcrllood of the lafi day of Judgment which fhall be at midnight (as the Rabbins and Monks in their devotions conceive ) for Chrill fpeaks here of his coming to particular juduement alfo, which is not always at midnight : The fcope of the Parable is {0 rrovoke r_oC?ntinual war~hfulnefs ; bequfe though the Lor~ cloth n~t come in the begmntng of rhe night (as was d1e cuflorn of the Jewifh mam~ ages) yet h_e will come late, even when you look _no~ for him;. even ~c midnioht there IS a ay. I confefs the Lord fpeaks prmc1pally of his commg to Judoment; yetitiscrueof anyother coming of Chrit~ to his people in this life': and becaufe particular examples and inflances are the roots of general truths (as Circumcilion a feal, fo all Sacraments are fo ; ChriH is a Saviour of his people; it ismeant of greatfalvation atl~!], yec is true of all falvation beGde) therefore I lhallfpeakof th.ecomingof Jefus Chri~ to his C~urches and Servants in the general ; and fo Involve the whole com1ng of Chnll, for the more ufe and co!Ufort eo us. Now