Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

/ Opened and Applied~ : 39 1rerurn ~gain; yes, yoa have now heard, hewill come and return again~ Sa; I UfltO s•• n, behold your God cometh. . - ObjeCt. BHt what? when I have /;een fecltre t~tnd Cllreltji withal? ,, • ' ~nf~. Yes, though rhe Virgins lleep,yecrhe Lord will ~ome t.o them ; for if his love did depend upon your watchfulnefs, he might never return ; onely it may be lon6er as to t'hefe, abd he will_ awaken yo_u fome time before he dorh co:ne; and truly ro mourn for hts abfence, ts to awaken r>lith him. Obj~Ct:. Bl!t it h11th been thm !on.'!, before de Lord come, 11nd therefore he n.i/l ,never come. \ Anfw. Thou!;:h long, yet you fee he comes at la!l: to them; fir!l:, the ,cry fays fo, and then he comes; Mini!l:ers"rell you fo, and it i~ not long after J ' nay, then is rh~: very time, when fo long as you look not for him, as h~re to rhefe. • SECT. IV. ObjeCt.BUt I k,zzow it not. Anfw. God keeps his belt bleffings(and perfumes them long in his own hand) from his own children; as I[1111c, D~tvid, Abrah11m1 Hetnall, Chrift; bur it is bell you know it nor. . HaH thou been feeking the Lord for his prefence ( rh~t the Lord would bur fee and confider thee a lirrle) until chine eyes failthee? and do you think the 1 Lordwilleverforget? I tell rheeif Peter were inPrifon, prayerswoulddeliv~r him, and fetch Angels from Heaven to him; though tht Churdt of G6d by defolate, fins great, yet the prayer of 'Daniel /llaU brinz down words of commandromake ~llupagain; If.thouhe i?anywlllff, /;ecanfui in ndthing,&c. He flJk,§d thee life, thoug11vejf hnn Ion f. life for evtr 11nd e1/e1'; nay, wlrerHho!t ceafelt, thy prayers have rheir cry, when thy mouth,when th.y heart fpe:tks: nor ; for prayers are not dead things but living, begotten ouc ofa.livrng Spirit, from a living God, prefemed by a living Mediator, who t<tk~ them and prefems them, Heh.7. and though unclean, yetbeingfaid cnd.Jat./!.lrar theybecE>m:e ~~ . . , Objetl:. Oh, ilut I am fedwithnothing but prwriifet r I tAWiofdenfthem, b.n i foeithtmnot; I think_ I (hall never mm the Lord, Ifa.~)',IO. Zmt..4s thlr4in @thedry jtelds fruit, fo m; w&rd ,!hall give JOU joy 11ndpeac:, andtht defireof JOUI' he,.n,&:c. C11n a n;,rn live bl promifts ? Anfw. He"'ekj11h faith, by thefe thmgs { i.<. atRiaions) do m~~ live;. why not bypromifes? the words Chrill fpeaketh d:teyare Spiric and life;· Da.'Zi;ddid, 2 Sam:.r3-5- Reb.w. The juff Jhlllllive hJ hu fai&/4; and if .rwy m'dn d:raw P11ck_, m; foul fhall have "o plutfure in him, i.e. wholly. It is admirable how the Ifraelites had a promife of rhe land, and many wars muR: rhe:y have-1 atild yet 'Jofh.2J . r4,t). N•tonething harh failed •f d//fhat the Ldrtihat ffl promifed. So fay I to you. Obj. Oh bJttl have been /?ng in trou"llle, andhavthadm P' 11ce ?· Anf.HaH thou been longer rhan Dav•d, whofe moyilurew-a;s d rye-d up, who bath nothing fo prefenr before the Lord, !'fa/.6. but weakrr~fs:,.amd bon:es ve:1.-et4 '?eJ<fe 2. a fnul vexed, verfe 3· and thac long weary. with gr~ln·i·ng,.:ve'tf&. . llea-rs , tn the nighr when others are at reil, his eyes cmrfumetl with grief, ancl yer 'tJer[e8,9. TI'JC Lordhath heard thevo7ceof mywufi>f%, illi1'd:praJeYtolf;, fo.r~ ~s ~ry, an'd fins cryalfo; and hence he faith1D•part frdM tMall }t:Work!rs ~f 1Jntf*•t7, &c. Obie&. I l· I