The Parable of the Ten Virginr, Objeer. But I am fo we~~/z., m; hMrt fo Hreitned, f; little /ioht and q e and f eekjng I have heen for mor•, cznd .find it not, "' ' A nfw. If Chrifl's prefence be fweec, and his abfence bitter, rhac yottfeek nocmore for your lu!ts fake than the Lords fake, then know char rhe Lord will return again, ~s verily as he is gone; he will not leave thee comfort!tfs; you ihall have that Is fit for you to keep you humble and faithful; it may be one Sermon may do more good than twenty. Juh . I .5o.Dofl he!ieve hecau(e I fa>V th~e under the ftgtr:e? .thou fhalt fee greattr things than :h•f e; God harh greater th10gs toihew thee, if the Lord hath tr11njl11ted thee tnto the Kingdom of hu dear [on; h~nce it is faid of the e~<~creafe of his government ~~nd peace there fha/1 he noend, Ifa.9·7• ' Object. But enemies maJ oppufe m ? .Anfw. Letit be fo; but what if the Lord be with you ? Objecr. But he u gone. <!Anfw. No, the Lord will either come before trouble to deliver you from it, as Afa when a troop cameagainrt him, 2 Chron. I ~· 1 x. lee not man prevail againil: rh~e; A fa had wrapc God about him, cloarhed himfdf with the majeil:y of God by faith, Ifa.H penulr. Theylhall gather together, and lhall come again it rhee, but they lhall not profper, becaufe the Lord is come ; or if he dorh flay, yet he will giy~: ehem fome blood, and come upon~ chem foryour blood; hethat fheds mans hlood, hy man fha!l hub!oodbe Jhed ; but fuch as lhed Churches blood, by God !ball rhei: blood be G1ed ; The fouls under the Altar ihall cry, and then comes wo; he will do [o in q ermany if there have been Churches blood lhed; he is making way for glorious deliverance when God ihall come, and rhe wicked lhall melt away as wax: Lucifer mull fall though lifted up wirh pride. 'David was troubled with a Saul and a 'Doeg. Pfa/. )4. bucGodlhall pull rhern up by the roots,&c. many of Gods Servants lye under reproaches and revilings ( and the wicked boa(t of their fin ) God ihall pluck them up by the roots never to grow again: Hypocrites lie hid for a time, but all rhe Churches lhall know thar rhe Lord is a God that fearcheththehearts,Luk:,u,z. Pfal.Iz.~, 3 · No good man lefr, butfome men of deceit and flattery, fame Apo!tares, c!7c. We are in fear (in this Country) of enemies ; we came hirher ro G1elrer our felves under the winos of God; left our comfortS _for it; here we are at his poHs, ic is not hon~rs we feek; and now ic may be enemies are plotting, or will be coming to take us unawares, when weak, and fo run away 1virh the fpoil, unlefs we will be bond-men to our former yoke ; ic may b~ the Lord will help then, Eui<; 38. xo, 20. to the end. If nor, ic may be the Lord will refine us more, and purge away our drofs, and difcover men rhac came hither for Ordinances and for peace fake, and betray the Ordinances ; yet the Lord will come, and his blow ihall ruine them, efpecially if his awake not at his cry,Ifa.25·9>Io.ic ihall befaid when the terrible ones arebla(ls, Lo! tht s is our God, and in thu mount Jha!l thehand of the L ord come. Objecl:. But ft ill mJ Jin cominues• .Anfw. The Church in the Revelations, 1vhen they have all things, yecare abfenc from the Lord, and tin before the Lord makes them fay, Oh come Lorrl Jefm ! faith Chri!t, Behold I ccme quickJJ ! CbriH will come at la!l and for ever comfort you, and be with you, andyou ever with rhe Lord ; _this coming to be fure ihall be, and what then though you walk rhrough the va1l of theihadow of death! rhe Lord is with you, and him rhacis the gloryof Saints, the joy of Angels, the re!t and delight of God, whom all ends of the earth have looked unto, lhalr thou fee withthofe eyes, anJ be wirh him for ever, and then ihall he give thee double for all rh y farrows, !Ins, temptations, when every one ,elfe ihallleave thee, and ihall rejoyce and zloryin rhee, that ever he harh got chee