-0/Jferva - tion 3· The Parable of the Ten Pirgini> CHAP. VII. Of Gods compafsion towards wifo andfoolifb Virgins. SECT. I . U(h is the compaf!ion of Chrijl to his people,that deep focHrit; elmnot lllwa1s m~<'<f the Lord to rtjeil them; and therefore we lhall find three I:Xf'relfions of cbe love and kindnefs of rbe Lord ro cbe wife and f.oi>lilh Virgins alfo. Firtt, When tl~y nor only ilu?'lber but ileep, and chat long, even to the co~!Dg_of the Bndegroom almofi, yet Cbrifl fpares them, and doth n0t all thts whtle cut themoff, and bury them ollt of his fighr, as men chat do forget him. Secondly, He prevents them with awakening grace, and che Lord is up when his fervanrs be abed, and is awakened for ~heir good when cbey are aileep and regard not him; andlidtby his cry he awakens them before . rbeylh~ke up rhemfelves ; when once t~e Churches fall aileep, they would ileep rhetr long fleep, and never awaken, if the Lord fuould not by fome cry or orher prevent them. Thirdly, He Ion~ for their fellowfuip and company though fecure; and therefore ic is not a cry of terror and wrarh, cbe Bridegroom barb forfaken you, for your fecure carelefs courfe ; but it is a cry of grace, g• forth to mm him; yet he iswilling to have communion with .you,ye~ he detires that you would have communion with him ; oh come out to meet him; I lhall wr01p up all thefe together , becaufe I £hall lx: brief. Wonderful was rhe grace .of Chrifi to- . ward the old world, when for the fpace of one hundred and twenty years he waited for them, who after they bad .been an hundred and nineteen fecure , yet then the fame fpirit that waiteth for us in thefe days of the Gofpel, preached the Lord unto them. Jeremi"h was very long fpeaking to lfrt~el (as rh~ or!:!er Prophoes) in fo much rhat rhe Lord profe!ferh t0 fend rhe King 9f Bah;lon againfi rbem, yer the Lords heart melrs,•ha.26.I ,z, 3 .Spe"/z. unto them; it m a} he thq will heark!n,and turn th11t I may repent; So ]er.3.!they had polluted rhe Law,vtr.z. lhowresare withheld (which is no great matter) fmall evils are arguments of hearrs revolted from God ; they did the Lord as much mifchief as rhey could, and were fecure, verfq. Yet mark, wilrrhou nor from tbis rime cry My Father? meer the LordasrbyHusband? willbekeephisangerforever? Nay, the Lordcafi off Adulterous lfr~<el, and they knew the caufe, yer went on fecurely in the fame fins; yet fee, verfe I 4• Turn oh hack.:Jiidir.g ohJldren, Prov. 6. s,6. How /oqg,&&, SECT.