The Parable of the Ten Virgins, , 3· Have·not many, nay mo!l of thy days b::e ~ fpent without any forrow fo;, or reck~ning concerning thyfin? it :U~Y be you ~ave a Lent and a cleanfing week foJT~eumes ; but moll: commonly 1t Is o_cherwife, that yo~ never fee tin, buc i1eep m tt, and fee your felves to go on, havmg found no hurt m fuch a courfe as yer. 4: l;low many ufe the Ordinances o! God, to them, but never gain good by them ? What is there no gold m thefe mmes ? Yes, but aOothful, fecure heart will not dig f0r rhem. 5 • Nay do not Gods crys make the fleeptheefa!ler ? he.taketh away agreat part of rhy e(tace from thee; and thou looke!l upon the mtfery and !hame of rags and pover~y ; and thy hear~ dyech away with ~ifconcenr, and grows more worldly. If h~ht be darknefs, If means of wakemng be a means of ileepino, how 5reat is that fecuricy ? Oh therefore go out and meet the Brid~ groom! SECT. VI. I Q\le!l.BUt how ,lh~/1 I r~ceive the Lord as. my Bridgroomand Hus6a~:d? o./lnfw. I. Se~ what thy widowhood is, and forfaken condition, lja.54. 5,6. When th~wwaj refufed, the L•rd loved thee; what creature can help thee, when the Lord forfakes thee? what a mifery is it to live out of afathers houfe! • 2. See his love that he makes [o you, otherwife you wiU never conclude it, but link, faying, The Lora forgets me: Oh fee his love he makes to thee , to receive him ; and that thou woulde!l give thy confent to have him, that thou ma)!l love him, !fa. 56.6. A carnal heart, awhori!h lover defires to clofe with Chrifl, rhat Chrill: may give gifts to it and love it; but a Virgin that ihe may love the Lord, an'"d be wholly his ; and this will anfiver all doubts ; what haveycu to do with Chri!l:, and all that mercy, grace and glory ? Oh 'tis that 1 may love the Lord more. · , Object. 'Tu prefumption. , . Anfw. No, it is that I may love ~he Lord indeed; and now when the heart is·drawn here, P[al.4S·Jo. Then fha/l the King ht~ve pleafure irt thy beauty; pleafnre in thee, and all that thou do!l: What, in me, that am weary of :ny felf? Yes in thee. I. When he forfakes others, he wii! meet thee. z. Though he departs, and farrows attend thee, yet thy farrows !hall be turned into joy, and he will fee thee azain, and never.ceafe delighting in thee, butwrap thee up in eve rlafling embraeings. CHAP.