Opened and Apiied. ~~~~~~~~~f.t~~~~~t~~t!!~~~f.~!~!~~i~i! ffl~ft"~fP:if'fPTffitp~~=Tf!1fJ':tpffiffi CHAP. VIII. Of Chrifts coming, and his awa~ning fleepy Chriflians. VERSE 7· Then .tO the Yirgins arofe and trimmed, &:c. SECT. I. N rhefe words to verf. ro. is fer down the effdl: which the cry had upon rhe Virgins. Firfi, Upon all of them in general,in rhis fevemh verfe. Secondly, Upon the foolill1 in particular, in the next verfes. Firll: the effe& ir wrought upon all of them in general, both good and bad, isfe~down in nvorhings. x. They did arife, i.e. they were throughly awakened our of their fecure condition. z. Being awakened they fell to their work, which was eo crim their lamps, as to beautifie and adorn their lamps, which had now loll cheir 'light and beaaby foiling chemfe'lves, and all eh rough negle.;t; now they trimmed chem, firll, chey wiped off che I oil; feccmdly, madefearch for char which was , for che lhining glory of them ; Thus far che foolilh crimmed their lamps, who yet did nor find rhacoil in cheirvelfels, which wasche main thing to beaurifie them indeed, which the wife had ; [o char ch~y all trimmed rheit lamps; the wife crimmed theirs indeed; rhe foolifb rheirs, fo well as chey could. 47 Thatthe fm'oru md apprehenjicn of the -,earne{J.,o{ (hriHs c?ming, it etoawak,gn thro»ghlythe moft f ccure Virgrns: Hay, if Virgins (efpecial- Ohferva• have been awakened eo know any thing of the Lords comi11g) chis will t•'on 1 • them ; for when the cry was made He comech , now chey all arofe ; whill1 he did carry as they rhoughr, rhen they !1eep ; bpc when the cry comes,rhar he is near and coming, oh now they awake. This coming is me.111c eicher of his comingeo rhe fait Judgement, or of bi>c 1 ·oming ro ph~rcicular hJudgerr:enr itfnmhed_iarelydar a 1 nd ah~rer dearh: L~ lhall .1 ap_p ymy felf c te!1y w r e comlllg o C n!l: ac eat eo Is people, uecaufe ~h1s ddch chiefly concern us; che near approach of this wi ll awaken, when apnear. J.r r. When the Apollle ''iould awaken chemour of fecuricy, You.,.. now is nearer than wlun ;ou ji~!f Geiieved, i. e, rhat perfeCl: falvacion which is ar char rime ; now if che appreh~nfion char ic is nearer than at firfi awakens.