Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Reafon J , Reafon z, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, awakens, much more when it isapprehendedfo indeed. J ttm. 'I .S,9. There was ir feemsdivers char were opprelfed, and they ready eo fainr, and forfake che Lord, and wait no more; what therefore doch he do? rh: com~ng (faith he j of the Lord dramth nigh. I Sam.I2.I 9· When Samue! told them before that mifery ihould come if they would have a Kinli, they cared; not ; now when thunder came, that they , faw death and the Lord near them, now they feared, and cryed, a•. d reP~nted . Oh we d)'t, fay they, pray.f•r m: .Itis>vith t~e Soul as iris wirh S~a-mm: when tliey firll fet out tn the Main, tfrhewwdbe g od, and all thingswd l, rheyraketheir refiand {Jeep, thoughgopgnearerevery day than other; bur when they apprehend they are near rhe p:1ore,now they lookour, rhougb in rbe · night ; fo here. ' SECT. II. ' BEcaufe here a man fees an end of his finful way, and of all hi s delights which have bound him up in the bonds 0f·fecuricy; a fofr bed, and an ealie pillow, and much feeding in a place of r~ll, , will procure much. fleeping; che heart of a man would never be fecure, tf It had nor fome dehghc or orher eo quiet ic felf withal; now at Chrifts coming there is an end of it, then aman is llript naked of all his greatnefs and honor, friends, bleffings ; and when a man fees an end, and is come roan end of afinful way, now all amansdeliahcs and hopes periih; che beginning of a finful courfe is fweec andbeauriful(lik~ piaures feen afar off beautiful)but the end is gal and woormwood;for every linful fecure courfe is fweet in appearance,or indeed; if only in hopc,and conception (as in a dream) when the end comes, ~ll a mans hopes perith,. If indeed it bath been fweec, now there's the more gnef; now my heart, my life; my blood muft be• taken from me, and what profit is there now in thismy fh:bborn way! when a man is finking, and the boar is bre1king, what a rniferable wterch now, Lord help! henceEu.(:,7.~•?·wben an end ~s co!ll~•n?w they fling rhcir fih·er in the llreets; oh the llumbhng-block of mme 1mquny, veri<: I 8, I 9· now they (hallfeek._ peace 11nd fha/l not find it, verfe 25. now they fha/1 feek_ a vJfon •f the Prophet , verfe 26. Like aman that is drawn inro a fair way, and is out of rbat his. way, when he comes roanend,andis forfaken of all andlefrin a wo()(j, now what'~ rhe profit? Becaufe at his coming there is the entrance and palfage into eternity, and into an eternalftate of weal or wo ; now thou;;h rhe apprehenfion of the end of a·fecure finful way, may and will awaken, yet when eternity is apprehended it will amaze ; for this time is but a little fpting or river which runs into eternity, and carries all men living d01vn with it to eternity : Now when men fee an end of rime, and the b~inning of eternity, and themfelves polling thereto, it is as when aman fees himfelf floating upon the waters, where there's no borrom, and all Ray gon~, though h'e barb been Ion~ fecure, now he will cry our if he fees it. It is with men now, as ic is with rhofe that are ready to be cafl down from fame Towr, ir makes the heart tremble, oh ! whereihal I alight ! oh it's impoffible but if men do apprehend erernity,and that alfo near untb them,butit will awaken chem; ir will make a flout, llony-hearted Saulto run to Urim; it will make Kinos and Prince> run to Monalleries, and men to Cells and Deferts; It will make che proudefl Fe!i.>: tremble whe11 PaN! reafons of :Judgement to come. It's ufually rhe firfl thing char doth awaken the people ofGod; eternity cloth amaze them, and rhem rhachave fallen to all lafcivioufi1efs. Oh ererniry ! Becaufe of the terror at the coming of the Lord ; 'F.._, eve!. 6.ult. to them that