Openetl and Appl~ed. that be unprol'ided and unprepared; he~ce it. is, and will be, when' ;an evil is near, fe~r will flie our: Men as men will do It, unlefs they b~ walkmg block? and bruits. For, 1 • Then rhey are to fiand nake~ before ~h~ Lord fo great and holy. • z. Then rhey thall have all their tinsfeun order, 1'[ and efpect~ ally thofe fecrer fins which they never faw, and whereby they did perfeCt their own perdition. · 3· Then the final fentence pafi, never robe recalled again, and they fhall know it; for if there might be aday to repenr, then fome hope; bllt if not, oh this awakens. 4 • The~ robe furrendred up _inro the ~ands of Devils, to be kept by rhat Jaylor in Pnfon, 1 Pet.J.I9• unt1l the commg of the gre11t day; and fo to be kept in their cuHody, and to be in ~heir fellowfhip, looking back, and mourningfor time mif-fpenr, looking to ume to come, fhonly to meet my body, and then to b.!, parted for ever from the lord ! oh when this evil is apprehended, it will awaken a man to fearch and look about him. SECT. III. 49 HEnce rec a great caufe of the deep and long fecurity of"tnany a man, and · v f; 1 , , , that in Virgin-Churches under all awakening means , Ordinances and Providences of God; men put far from them this day of death, and rime of Chri!ls coming, they rh ink feldom of ir, co!l1e not m:ar to ir, nor make it near to them ; fo~neri'Tle they complain of a dead !luggifh fpirit, fecure hem, and yet rt:main fo, and wonder fomerime at the reafon of ir why it thouId be fo; why? this is one reafon of it, either yon think not of this comingof the lord, or fee it not near, even at the door, bur number many days to your felves, and this is the caufe of ir, youdo riot lodge in, nay look to your Coffins, and walk ro your graves fide often, and fo lland there and hear the cry, and fee the Lord a coming; there will be more in what I fay than whatyoufe~ ar firfiblufh of this truth; bur this I k•10w, and the Word p;oves ir, univerfal fecuriry ariferh from hence. As for inflance. I. Why do men minde the things of the world fo much? that there is fuch care for them, fuch eager defire after them, that many rimes prayer is negletted,Sabbarhs neglected, when wi:l they b~ at an end ? God negleCted, Souls of wife, children fervants, a mans own foul neglected and overgrown wirb nettles; that there is fuch an hi~h opinion, dreams of worldly goods , and when a man hath them, then at reH; b~caufe, with the glutton, they think they have goods for many a year ; and hence we fhall fee when a man wabth, death is near to him; and when it is near to a man, now he thinks he bath been deceived in a:t the things of the world, that they are not good for him, I Cor• . 7.29. Therimc is fhort, and the fafhion •f rhe world pllj{eth awa1: Nothing I makes thefe things fo foug~t after and good but only etle=m ; now this is becaufe men look only to rlnngs prefent. :1.. Why do mens hearts fink wirh the meannefs of their outward condidon, ,and rhe troables of ir ? ( forthis is_fecuriry ) it \s be~a~fe of r~i~, rh~~ do not I remember the nearnefs of the comtng of the lord; tt 1s our a httle 1vh1le Ion- : ger, anc!chen the God I hav~chofen will alone befweer, a!idhe will make me , \amends for all my troubles, and therefore lerme bear up my head a link while• . ; ~fal.J9· !"hen D.evids h~arc began to be troubled by feeing others profperity, · 1 ~IS O\Vn r_mfery, Lord (faith he) mP.fe! mctok!JOW mJ end and the mufurc of mJ . days, m:'". age rs as an hand ~readth; hence ver.7. Lord wlurr h,pe I for! tru!J ,!'J..P!ft•smtlm. G~g ~ .Wh ·