Vfe 2, l . The P ara~le o[ the Tm_!/!_rgi~~j \ :;. Why are men puft up wnh thetr own excellc:w~s, a ··d "ll :d .with C1ch I pride a_nd high conceits_of the~felv~s, fomerimes. of rbei: b~.H.ty, F:lmc.i,-:.:s of thetr appard, fcmenme t_hetr fnends, fo:uen:r.e theu· cilc.: r and 1 h~y value rhernfelves much by rhts? men conlidcr not rbe co:n;n? of tbe Lord I which 111all!tain tbe pride of all glory, Ifa.z ~. 8. a. d thatthin' 1~1e is ne1r. ' ' 1 4· Why do people complain they cannot prilc tbe Ior>1 o: liis Ordinances as they could? w~y do men on their death-beds rb~n pri;z: i•, :ben pray, rhen bear: rhen oh a lmle mercy, then fend for fifr[c.c, tn~·l the Lord is ricbteous ;. and if he !hew mercy, never fuch a pattern a.o I, l·ecau\G now death and ChriHs comi_ng i~ near: _you do therefo'e un~ervalu~ rh~ gain of Ordinances, becaufe of thts; tf you dtd, yo"' would glory m nothtng bJt the Lord, J<r. 9 . 21, z:;. · 5.Why do men go up and down wirho~t ~ny affura~ce of rh~ Lords Jove,ot rhe truth of any grace, and rhatafrer convtchon ?why eo me11 upon their de1rhbeds feek for it, and then fall a fearching, and rhen open their lJ , ,1•es and rhen defire peace ? becaufe the coming of rhe Lord is neai;; you pur rh'e day of the Lord far from you; if you faw it near, you would ger on your armor in readinefs againlt rhe day of barrel; if your Husband b:: ar door, you would get on your apparel, T fat. 89. 46,4 7>49· 6. Why is fo much rime fpenr unfruirfully, char aChrilla" is nor abundant in doing and receiving good ? who is rhe better for thy fpeeches, for thy prayers, for rhy example ? when JV!ofes P{~tl. 90. had numb~red mens days, then v. r7 . · flablijh thou the work_ of our h,mds upon Ui ; Look upon a Cbriltian at fin1 converlion, he rhi_nks he ilia!~ I_JOt hve l?ns ; it's Hra~ge to fee what prayers, what t~ars; how frmtful, how drhgenr hers; qh theretore fee your fore rhis day ! 'ns nigh almofi, 0 therefore up and be dmng. SECT. IV. OH therefore, if ever y~u would be freed fr?m this infectious, rhis damning fin and plague of fecunty, ntake the comm" of the Lord near unro'you, and come you near unto ir, be ever near ir ; numb~r your days, rh~y are foon 'told over, and ofren think of your latter end when rhe Bridegroorn comes ; for this will awaken you our of your fecure ·fits, and make you fall hard to your work. . FirH, This will make you do much work for rhe Lord in a little time; when r.Mofes was to be gathered to his Fathers, now he provides for the Church , now he infiruch the people more rhan ever concerning 1 their eHates, &c. Secondly, It will be very fweet; ir is bur a very little while though it be bitter, and it will put flrength to do it; work is wearifo01 for want of llrength ; fo Chrif!'s work is wearifom, becaufe we wane Hrengrh ; now this dot~ put firength in~:o rhe foul,Jam.).8,9. Thirdly, It will be very glorious; works even of dying men are very glorious and fuccefsful : Speeches of livll1g ( yet dying Chriltians ) . link deep ; for then God is near unto us when we are near unto him, and fee rhinos as they are; and hence fuch fpeeches are comm~nly bleft ro men ; rhe fpee~hes and works and carriages of Chrilt were ilever fo glorious, a:; when moll near his end. SECT. V.