Opened and , Applied. SECT. ·v. Object.BUt fhou/d a Chri(tiAn in Ch~ip ttfe this as a motive to ftir up his heart, or no? this is mock.;ry, this 'Philofophy fends men to ; doth Divinir; do fo? A Chriftian muft be aGted 6y love, not fear. u1 nf w. I. That w~ich God bath fanttified f?r this e.n~ we may make ufe of for c!le attainment of u ;' now God harh fanchfied affhchon>, deach, and the fear of them for this end, eo awaken c~e f~cure fin ne~; Jehofaphat fears and proclaimech a faH ; N Mh feared and built a~ Ark; Chnfl h1mfelf w the Church of St. du (to awaken her) profelferh he wsll come as a thtef m the night jttddenlJ 2 Pet.3. If the heavens (ha/16e dijfolved, what mannrr of perfons fhould we b;: It is uue, iris hypocriiie for a man led only by fear; but it is prophanefs (the original of the. Sadduces) not to b~ terrified at all; it is not hypocrifiero be awakenedpartly by _fear to the apprehenfion of thefe things; for God bath fanCl:ified them for thts end, and though thefe do not work grace (where there was none before) barely, yet the awa~ening ?f _con[cience, is that whereby the Lord prepares for grace; a_nd thts IS good 1n Its kmde ; and it flirs up a race where it was before, as here this crymakes the Virgins to kindle their oyl, 0 and fetthat a burning. . Objecl:ion 2. But the tsme ss not near ; Should I apprehend " " ttnmtth? fin[w. It may be 'tis near; the apprehenlion of this is not falfe, and this the Lord gives verfe I 3· as the g:ound of, for you not when he comes ; now if men love their goods, they Will watch. 2.. It is near; if yot>had bur wifdom to fee into eternity, and the nature of · time, you would fay fo alfo, P[al.90-4- A thoufand years t~re but as yefterd,!J, 111td as I! WAtch in the night. Verf.5 .our time is as a f1eep, ihort and vain. Ver.6. • it is but as a flower of one days glory; nay, ir is but as a thbughr, verf.9. Iris fo when you fee things as they ar7, and y_ou will account ir fo. Oh therefore let me bea this of you, make Chnlts commg, and death near eo you, char you may be d~!ivered from your dead pallies, deep numbers, and dying ftck f1eeps ; eipecially fecing rhe ligns of che Lords coming to reckon with you, do you think ro efcape? ' MaHers tha.c betruH Servants wich moft, will they call others eo account, to w&om they have berr~fted lefs, and nor you ? what people under heaven be trufled wich more mercies and liberties rhan we ! and do you think he is gone eo a far Country, and will never return? He!et Palatine and other Churches enjoy the means long, hefummons them eo an account by famine, [word, and peflilence, wilde beafls, and cruel Souldiers ; and lhall he never ride in his circuit this way:?· yes verily: Do you boaft in the goodly flones of t!otis Temple? If the Lord by your fecurity be defpifed, and his Melfengers, and Ordinances, and Kingdom, he Willl1odeave one flone ~pon another : When will this be? not ye~ : that's true; yet a!lake at the ligns of ir, M11t.z4 • Wars, rtsmors of 11!ars,famme, acrthq:tt~k!s, drcesvers that come tn the name of ChriH, Ap•ftac; •f Profeffors, whence man7 com: to 6c offended, Divijions llnd [clltterings •f one Brother againH another, Iniquity nbosmding in the World, and Love growing cold in [hurches ; If thefe be not. amongfl us now, we have the lefs caufe to fear; if fo, have we not caufe to awake one hour c_onfideringour time is nigh! if not, yet Chrifls:time is nigh of coming to particular perfons. SECT. VI.