Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

The Parable oftbe Ten Pirgins, SECT. VI. QJ.!etl:.HOw fhall I mak! it near? Anfw. Truly till the Lord reach us rhe nnmber of our days, we can never do it : yet three things do ; FirH,~onvince rby ~oul of.the _fin and evilof looking after tomorrow, and teachmgafter that nmewhtch lstocome, 'PrO'TJ.z1·I· 1. Itisnoneof thine. z. Nothing draws the hearcfo much from God. 3· You will never find what you expeCl: hence; thefe are lying vanities, therefore come not ro thefe wells. Secondly, Either thou wantell: alfurance, then fear his coming, for fear will make mifery prefenr, and fo awaken ; and hope ( e c•ntra) good prefenc: Or rhon haH alfurance; then love his coming , fee all thy good wrapt up there; and love will make things abfent beloved, and prefent comfort in the thoughts of them ; as wicked men that love the things of this life, and are in certain hopes to have them, they oft rejoyce in the hopes; becaofe the good is prefent, they reckon upon it as theirs already. Thirdly, See how nearyo·u areunrothe Lord]efus: I . That you are made for the Lord, not to enjoy thefe things ; they are made for you, and not you to ferve them ; becaufe God hath called you out of this world, from the grave, hell, fin, to life; now thenextisglory,zCor.;.:;,4,)· z. That now there's nothing but thy breath, thy body between thee and Jefus Chrifi; when this !hell is broken , thou art with the Lord, and ihtlt fee him with open face; this will make you look for the day ofdelivery. CHAP. IX. Of Cbriflians,trimming their Lamps; auil how· holinifs is the Chriflians glory. SECT. I• .A.nd trimmed tlleir Lamps. I ~~~~~IH E word ( 0..6C1[MI""Y) ftgnifies adorned,beautified their lamps, made dean or cleanfed; It is the fame word which is ufed 1 Tim.z. 9• Womens adorning.ft.t it not be with pearls, lmt g~od work!. QJ.!etl:. Wh'at u the glory Qf the Lamp ? . ~~~g~~ Anfw. Firfi, When the filth is wipedaw~, which did del' file it. Secondly, When oyl is gotcen, and thelamp is lighted; now it~ in its fuJf trim as it was at firfl: when they went out; wbilf! chey were ileepmg , chetr ' lamps not being looked into,began to lofe their lhining glory ; now they recover rhem. _ obJett,