Opened ,md ilpplicd, Object. BHt ho>f f;ame rhe f/)()lifh l9trim th~ir Ll)mps ? r Anfw. They did end<!avor ic,. and did fameth~ng tha~ way, as is apparent from the comexr, and fo rhey mmmed them fo far as rhey could reach ; bur · rhe complear and fttll adorning of rhcm w~ dus Qf th~ wife, And cherl!forc look as by oyl in the veffGI is meant eh~ ecemal anom~ing of the Spirit qf grace wtrbin, fo by ihiningis m~anc the _glor~ous prof~lli® a_riGng from ir, as the adorning of women, ~ T11n.z.9. I$ rbetr holy <;onverfatton. • I That th( Spirit of holine(S abiding in the h'4rU,_ and {hi11ing in ·tbe lives •f 06flr~a -· Saints, it is th•ir exce/lmq, ornammt 4~dglory: Tbts BdorP§ thi! Virgins lamps; t1011 3 •. r!uough fecurity they began to lofe rhetr glory ; Now whep they prepar~ their lamps, they ado:n their lamps ; and this is the1 r glory.--___, zCor.J.!Ilt. We arechangu.(intqtht (11m: irt~~tgf {r9nl glwyto zlory; grace and holinefs is glory. Ephe[.5.Z7. Chctll pref~flt$ 11 glorious Church; wherein ! without fPot or wrinckft, imd hvl] befort the Mrd. l 'T(l fJf.4+ Santlifi ~aiol) and honor are joyned together. SECT. II. Q:eil:. w#at Spirit of hp!inefs if it whi~h is" Chrifli4fiS gl~ry f . ~nfw.Itisnotevery patcht prqfe.ffion·of l}ojip~f> which is a .Chriftians true glory ; for by what measlS is the name of ·God more blafphe-1 ~d by ~he wicked ofrhe world,th~n.l>y thofe th;tt _profefs holinef~,yet bre_?.k out mro fcandalous fins ! Rom.2-I4.1c ts a wonder tf a prophane man be good a Jirrle ; bu.r it is a greater wonder and fcandal if aprofdfor be bad a little. Neither is it a moft glorious appearance of holinefs; this is.deceit, .craft, and hypocrifie, nor a glory : A Stage-player that a&s the part of a King, wants rhe glory of a King; and hence Paul oppofer.h himfelf to thefe, 2 C0''·5· n. ~ur when there is firH an exemplary holinefs, arifing Cecondly, from the fuln~fs of the Spirit of grace within, as here in clle Virgms, a lhining profd1ion £rom an inward Spirit, when Chritl hath~ttai.ned ~he ~nd.of ,offering up himfelf, that men are ft pecHliar wople' ;;,el'l/,ou; pf g~od P/{}rkJ : Suppofe the 13mp dovb •QU!{.l1, 7'et.if not£or ,rbeend,jcw.asmade, {o ohatttOO·IHJ\UtCqf~Jy(ee his way,•no.r others by it, ics glory is much Jolt: Now the end of rh~ Spirit of ho~inefs is this, .the end of Chriirs ~cll and mi~!"Jy i.s vhis; P.hil. z, I 3• 14- .and <11hougb chey may fpeak evil, yet ·I Pet.·, .rbey may glor-ifieGod in thn.dwy.; when itiswirhmenasicis wirb .rhofe, Z11ch.8.H/t. ;We .hAve fep;GfJ.d~in f?H; when a man maintains afleepy carelefs profeffio.n and .Qame, the ~amp now wants itsni.m; when lamps are put under bulhcls, they lofe their glory. 1 .Qte!l. 2 • . Beforewhmsu J·hu their gJpry? : ~nfw.I. B~ore the eyes of G0d•theFarb~, 'fob.I2.'1.-6.lie thP.J ;fhallforv~ 1 me, him Jh~t!l my Fat her honor; and rho1.1gh the world honor them.noc_, yettUhey lhall be {pe&arors of ir. l 2.. Befor~ Jefus Chri!l his eyes, 'Pfa!,45'·1•I. if'prgtt thJ ,countr;, IPfd _th; [11thers houfe, Jo theJ(ing fhal! tak,e plearure in ~b;t . h.alltfl. · ' 3· Before all the people ,of .Cod themfelves, ·v. J1hejf. 1.4,5· Sp ~hAt:Jllc l glory of you among all PheCbHrches; every •o.oe will be fpeJkingof fu!ib :; ob there's one of a rhoufand; hardly·lhall yo11 gf"j ·in1o his compaonr•but youihllil gee Come good, and life, and near.from htm. 4- Before Hypocrites many tirm:s, who of all ()(hets are the: zreateft blttet$1 I pf the ways of holim!fs and ·the power ·of godlinels ·; hence J:l4rod, Mar.6.g.o. \ ;... 1-ov_e_d_'f_oh_n_,_be_·c_a_uu_e_a_h_o_Iy_m_m_, ..n_ot_be__ =c·~-uli~e~.n=d=ee~p=S=c=ho_l~la~r,.,.o..,r_a.,g"'re"'at~.m~an_;.....,""'==~ . . hence