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54 Jer. 33• 9· The Parable of the Ten Virgins, 1 hence, while Jo fhua and the Elders Jive, the people ferve the Lord; and while Jeh•iada Jives, Joafh is forward ; the greate!l Monarchs fall down here. 5· In the eyes of bad men, and hence '])eut.4.6;7. when they kept the Srarutesof theLord, what nationfogreat, ashathfuch La1vs, andfo wifealfo! this is their glory b~fore all the world, at lea!l in the confciences of all men, which is their better parr, zCor.~.II. we are TIMnife(f in their confcie;q~es; andhencethewor!l:fayoften, if all were fuchastheyare, &c. ~e!l:-3-When ir it their glory ? Anfw. 1, lnthis life (as bath been already l11ewed) in mid!l: of reproaches, the Spirit of glory, 1 Pet-4-14. in midfi of weaknelfes, Davids heart was perfeCt. z. At the great and lalt day ; let aman by his wifdom, conqueHs, excellencies lj\et himfelf a name, yet when dearh comes, his glory perilheth ; if it doth lalt, yet not long; the greatefi Monarcbs have been like amighty wind, filled the world with a noife for a time, and then 90wn; but at the !aft day, then Oh their ihame, what everlaHing concempt ihall they arife unto ! But this ihall be our glory at the lalt day, I Per. I. 5,6,7. which fha/l 6e to glorJ and pr~tife at the comming of our Lord; and it is faid, then jh~t/1 rhe righteous fhine a$ '!d Sun; and then all the world Jh~t!t fland and admire, and wender at rhem. 3· Throughout all eternity this ihall be their glory, even an everl4fing name unto them, better than the name of Sons and Daughters; when the wicked ihall fee them all at the right hand of God, and gnaih their teeth, that them- ·felves are ihut out, when the Lord and his Saints ihall take infinite delight one · in another, Luk.: 12.37. SECT. III. Q.!!ell+'t .1yllJ is this a Chrijfians glorv, exce/ley,cy, andhonor ? V .Anfw .I. In regard of the bafenefs of otherthings w~er~- in men do ufe to glory; the wife man in his wifdom, rhe ttrong man m h1s firength, the rich man in his wealth: There are Three things which make thefe bafe. Firlt, Thefe things make aman not the more to be accepted of God; tile Lorarefpe&snot, values not the worth of any man by thefe things; and to make all the world know rhis, he ftaineth the pride Bj all glory, and chtt[~th the p•or and foolifh things of the WQr/d to confound the wife ; awife man will n~­ ver refpecr the horfe the more becaufe it carries fiore of rich treafures, he will not fall down and reverence it for this ; hang Swine about with pearls, who honors them rhe more ? and will a wife God refpeet a man the mor~ for 0efe things ? I Pet. 3-5- What is thatrhat is of great price with God ? Holmefs IS of great price with God: Andwhat though all the world honor aman, and aman honoreth himfelf, while this is wanting ? Secondly, All thefe things leave a man dead under the reign of Satan, power of his £in and dominion of death; and hence Jer.9.24. Let no man glorJ inhuwifdom,&c. Deathisentredintoyourwindows; take any bondman bound with fetters (though golden) cloth any man account him the more glorious ? a Prince that is made a va!fal and £lave to every bafe fellow, is he the more ~lorious ? no : So whiles men lye under the reign of death ; Hick a !llan that 1s dead with flowers, what is he the more glorious ? alas nG ! his life rs gone ; now the Spirit of holinefs is called the Spirit of life, even of the life