f Opened and Applied. I. 55 I life that nev.::r Jhall dye, Rom.8. And therefore as iris 'raid of "Flye, rhere is I mo;e excelkncy in a Gnat than in a Cedar, than in the t,lorious heaven, b~ caufe i[ hath life, whi'ch the other hath not ; fo though men wonder ac the goodly mppin;s of -~icked_ m~n, yer rhe poorelt and mo!t defpi'fed Ch:~l ian that harh the Spmt of life, rs more glonous. 'Thirdly, i3ecaufe thefe things only Furchafe the more credit and ho~r in the eyes of meii, a11d that ofwi~ked '1nen; for I Cor.~-Io. We kpow no ?1fan after 1 h: Jlefh ; if tbey do, icis ,that which rney account themfclves bealts and f;oolsfor, as'Vavid did, Pfa!.73· And what is thd<Jonor of man? it is the I bJfelt thin:; that is ; for ic is J:bac which i&without a man, i~ is n·o excdkncy l wirhil rhe man; it is but rhe thoughts of a mans head and hearr, than which, what more vai , wh.lt more mutable? nay, 'ris bur rhe dreams of a mans he~d, !for they are mifhkes : If all the rown fhould dream another was a Kin<>, who ~er w~re indeed a B~ggar (which when they awake they fee) what wert:"he rhe b.:ner for this? PaMl, 2 Cor.I I. 23. how he dorh glory i11 priviled<>es, which l1vcre better an3 more goodly hangings than thefe ! thio· (faith he) I rpeaz .u :1 fool; a1.d what be rhefea Chriflialjls glory? nofurely. . An[w.2. Becaufe rhat is a Chriltians glory I\ hich is Chrifls glory. Firl!, It is that g~ory wherein the glory of Chrilt c~nlifls,Pfal.41'·2· Thou art fairer than the chtldrenof me'!, fuitof grare ts thy ltps ; and 2 Cor-3-tJ!t . ' into the jam< image from gl•ry to g(orJ: Indeed Chritfs zrearnefs in govern· ino rhe world is hts glory, bur itis becaufe ir . is mixt with fuch holinefs, lja.6. r ,~, <· Phil.2.'0,9.he /;,~~led himfe_lf ~and this barb given him a name,and Jha!l be his name forever; thlsls rhatwhr,cb makes the Lord Jefus lovely andamrabie in the eyes of all his people, Rev. 15 + who woJ~/d notfe,tr thee, for tho• 011 dy art holy! and fo he is, for all rhe !tars receive their light and lhine with it by rhis Sun only ; and fo the more a Chriflian excels in this, the more like h~ is ro J~fus Chrilt, andfo mon:: .gloriousand lovely. Secondly, This is that IYhich gives him glory, i.e. fo far as 'creatu-es can, whichistomanifefl it, andh~nce z Cor.8.2 j . which is rheglo;y of Chrifl; and hence I[a.46,x 3· lfrael !s call~d the glory of the J,.,ord; Jj,..6z.z,3. the riahteous is called the glory, and croHm, ·and diadem in the hand of the Lord; a 1~d as God is b~t ter than the Soul, fo this, vi"'. eo glorifie the Lord, is better than to be glorified by the Lord. ;----~-!..-----~------------ SECT. IV. I . HEnce fee onereafon why menlofe their honor, thei r love and refpeB: in the eyes of God and men; their judgements are nor reverenced, their perfons no: accepted, their names and praB:ifes defpi ied ; rhi' is one reafon among the reH, adecay in. holinefs; the lamp is defiled, the li;;hr and lufire of it go· ing out, and vvho will reverence it then? 'tis admirable ro fee the complaints abroad. · Fir(!, Look but into Families, what is the r~afo:1 there is fo much difcontent there, that Servants are weary of ,their Maf!crs, Ma!l:ers of their Servams; ~nd there is fuch complaints one of anoth~ r ' little r~fpeB: one of another? it rsforwant of holinefs, power, m::! lik of godlinefs; tbe Malter faith, rheServam is unruly, froward, furly. !lothful, unhithful, umrully, and mull: not b.: f~o)<en to; the Ser<vat}t fairh, hi~ Mafier is paf!ionate, unkinde, wants pity to hrs ~ody, and.fomerimes !hjkes him wirbout caufe, and much more carelefs of hrs foul, neyer inflruB:s hirn, but is eaten up 1' irh the world,&c. truly this rs the caufe. lt feems the Lord wrought upon divers ipPrimitive times, and . the i ,