/ Op~ned and Applied. 57 ! ' . ; macs eyes: Many complam they cannot be refpeC1:ed? nor received ~ rhis is i th<! caufe of ir, you _excell not ~ere; or~e:s rak~ nonce_ <?f yoar unr!ghreouf· I nefs, unho.linefs of ltfe; there s fome evtl m.thetr bargammg and buymg, and illlanouaae from the people of God. Oh therefore go home and la.nent this, as !he~ /be g/Qry Q/ GQd i& departed frmJ Ifrael; fodo you here. . , - I SECT. V. HEnce fee when rhe Lord dorh honor us to do his work, what little caufc V fo ~. I rhere is to feek honor of men (nay though all the worlds glory be raken from you) becaufe it is honor enough to do rhe Lords work; would you have more honor than ChriH ? this was his beauty, glory, and h,;mor; God harh an everla{ting name for you, though you have difgrace by ir, my though no fuccefs, yet Ifa·49·5·fJQriQHS in the L ords eye: Oh it was afweet courfe of B~trak, lHd:£·4·9· thQH (hale /Q(e hotwr; that's all one, faid lhe, Let me dQ the Lords WQrk_, thoogil it be in a difficult work of purfui~g . the Lor_ds enemies; what profit have you on rh~ other fide, when you feek It m your pitchers t what company ? (7c. this was Sau!s fin, 1 Sam. I ).30. Oh wwjhip and hQncr me neverthe!efs this time before the people; it's his reward, and it's the Devils fin to be puft up; this pull'd down Nelmchadnc:c:.t~r; Herod was fmote with worms, becaufe he gave not glor; to q od, but took it to himfelf; it was a heavy fpeech to Elr, I S am.z. 29. Becaufe tho11 homreft th) fons above me, this and that I will do t:nto thee. Nay thouoh men are fo holy as to honor God with their lips, yet God will blafl: the wifd~m of the wife for it: Oh therefore let rh is be enough, and then you will not hunger after other honor ; for rhis is 81ory and honor enough, and you have thought fo, when your felves, Oh if I may but honor rhe Lo~d, it is enough. . · • Hence fee what little caufe any wicked man harh to lift up his bead with any glory he barb, bwmfe the jpirit of holme(?, ftttu:y and glorJ is departed from them; aswhentheSoulisdepartedfrom rhebody irs glory and beauty is departed from them, it's withered; and rherefor.: we !lull read in Scripture what names the Lord gives them, as Dogs, Swine, Serpents, a gener.<tlon of vipers, painted Sepulchres, 'Devils in rhe rime of rbe greatelt profeffiob, as Judas, Joh.6. wilde beafts, and that in rhe greareH outward glory; and hence the four Monarchies of the world are refembled to fuch bealls, lJu:rs, Leopards,&c. Thus for their perfons: And as for their a.:tions, all they do is unclean, and ignoble and hence compared to Thiftlu, that cannot bring forch Figs or Grapes; and hence So/Qmon compares them, .As j ewels in " · Swines fnout; fo is a paraMe in the mouth Qf a fQo/, it becomes rhem nor, it's abomination in the fight of God all that which they do, though glorious befo,re men; and at lafl day they fhall rife up to everlafting contempt; and it is fai<;l Ifa.66.Hit. their "Worm jha/1 never dye, and they {hall 6e an 116horring to all fl e(h, though they may carry it out fair for a rime ; rhe fairef! profdfors rhat by thei r Sorceries and enchancmems deceive the people /lull be filled with l11ame, and as the Magi~ cians were fmittcn with fares they could not f!and before Mofes (being fmitten with fares) foyou !11all notbeableto {land before the Lord at the !ail: day; and look as ir is wirb Chrifl: and his people, rheir crofs and fhame here, it is·btit their preparation ro their cro)Vn; and hence, when Chrifl: was put to the moll: open fhame, then was the day-breakrof his glory ; fo all rhat you gloryin, which God gives, 'ris but a folemn preparation for your llume : And hence, when Nebuchadne;:,arisathishigbeHpirchand thoughts of glory; rhen isbisdowni .- -·· _..!:!JI h - fall ; Dan. 7• Dan. u.>. Exod. 9·71·