·ten Vir_gins Opened and Applied. ~------------- 1-------- all fr0m another, th1t fo, no jlefh mightglory bef?re him. .A:hd to doubt or rh!s, is [ 0 doubt wherber.Go.l barb plorred rbe Glory. of hts Grace or no. Hence the .Lord empties rbe foul ofbo:h, that the foul fatrh, A jhur Jhall not fa-ve tu, Hof.r.:r. 3 4 Nonedurf1 none cinco~nfon it. And now to the wonde .menrofHe,lv~n . and everlafiit;" JOY of a poor call:-,1\vay, and rhe erenul honour of his free Gra~<l1 now, and ~ever rill now, dorh he begin to maf(e the march l:erween rheLordJeCus andrbi; poor foul: And .as rheLord t:eYcr comes ro hu;n ttll n~vv, fo he never will come to rhe Lord, wbtle he h;~rb rhe knH good ; as 1r was With rhe Prodioal whileany husks, or as ir W.1s wirb the woman wi ~h her b!oody ilfue, while any m~ny tofpend on other Phyfitians, never Wtll rry wb,lt Chrift can do. And therefore rbofe that never yet knew of the de.1rh of rhe LJW; they are yer married roir, Rom.2.r7. I know many a foul grieves forrhe de1rh ofrhis husband and now think; 'ris undone, I cannot do rhis and tbar, rbougb formerly I couid indeed; I fay if rhere be any love of Chrilt, now is rbe time of ir; Only undeilland Gods fcore here in ir. • 2. If a man co:npl1.im more or chiefly for wanr oft;rJce or rigbreoufn-clfe, to Sign 1} removefin,andmtfo muchforwanr of }:!ius Chrin: Then in this cafe'cis as it is with a·woman, rbat man for whofeabfence lhe mourns molt, · that is her hus- . band: She fairh rhe orher is, no bu~ be is nor._ So this is rbe ell:He of many a .foul, they have neither Chrilt nor ng~reou~nelle: Nqw rbey CO'nplait: fomuch rhat their hems link and dye away qmre Wtthlll rhem : And what is It for? 1 c.mn0r do rhis, nor I do .nor find nar feel fucb figns and aifedions \Virhin me. Such a vile fie.m, I know nor the like, fuch riling in my hearr ro lin and thouohrs of it; why if you had Chrif1, all r.bis would be mended. I c11n do all thr~ugh ch,ift. Bur you complain not for IV<lnt of'Chrill; nor need of him fro:n rhefe .two'Arguments. · . I: Becaufe the feeling of your fins,, does, nor mak~ y6u fee! a greater ~ee~ of .ChnH, as John, 1have need to be bapuud, &c. bttr dnve you further from: Chnll:, and reafon it our againH him, And why P Becaufe you would have a riohteoufnefs · wirhour him w hieh you11and in need of. " 2. Becaufe be th,u feels a need ofthe Lord Jefus., fiuii not when be isoffered, need inrrearing to take him; as you Dull nor need inrre.1r hungry men ro edt their bread, you !hall not need ro increar Zachem to receive Chrift joyfury. . But no commands, no intre~.ties can preqailwirh you t;l rake him when be is oth:red, you have no hem to ir. Like wocr.en rhat love their own husbands, grieve fo for their abfence, that they h<1veno hem to any othe offer. Is ir thus with thee? Then 'tis wirh rb~e, as it w~s with that young man, rh.1t. askt Cbrifl: wh2t he lhould do to inheri t eternal life; he liked Chrilt 1yell, but he did nor feel a need ?f.Chrif1 hirnfelf fo much,as .of foine more knowl~dge of rhe Law ,mi:! ;~bi lir y to do tt~ Its the great plot ofArminians1 to make Chrilt a me.ms only, to make every man a ~rf1 Adam; lening.rnen ~o work~ort~eir living again ; f?r they grant all Grace ts loft; ~11 co:nes from Chnlt, Chnf1 gtves all, and to Chnf1 we niufl: lo0k for all; and then when we hal'e it, ttfe it well, rhns you lball have life, elfe look for de,uh : So 'ris amifery many a foul is in. Men will trade in fmallwJre;, rather than live on anothers Alrnes. Do ycu think the Lord rakes it well to make him a·Merchant for yotir ends ?· Oh no, never look ro have communion \Vi rh him in this way ! .. · · ~· Thofe~har.dofewith; but _rejoyc~ more in~ litde Grace they receivefrotn sign 3 ; Clmll, rh an m all rhe fulnelfe 111 CbnH, more m a little they do, rhan in all ~he Io'd Jefus barb done, .J'hil. 3. 3. Th1r is awomans husband, in whom lhe re" Joyceth moft. Do you reJoyce more in what you have, and do, than in.what the Lor~ Jefus harh) and hath done? more id what you receive from him .(for ahypocruemay recetvefrom Cbnlt; John 15.z..) than in wh1t there is in him? It argues a whorilh heart. I know a mm niay rejoyce in what Chr!fl: works ln D 2 him 1 _