uje ,.. The Parable of the Ten Pirgins, fal ; if a man l11ould have a crown upon his bead, all honor gil'en him, and it fuould be wbifperec;i to him, This is but a preparation to yo~r execution, wb'ar !inle glory could be take in that ? bur rather fall a weeping as Paut, '1' };if+ 1 S,I 9.wben he faw fome that made their belly their q •d,and boafled o[ the things of theearth, whofe gl•ry u the1r fhame ; and be fpeaks of them weepmg : And therefore you that can lit in a chimney-corner, when you meec wirh yortr companions, hang, draw, and quarter within your [elves, and cenfureall Chmches, Minill:ers and Chriflians of a Town and Country, and if you fee any fo r~ s, like flyes, go and fuck them and make rhem worfe; or if not, you .:a •~ :nake them and imagine them, and fcoff at holinefs fecrerl y ; and though yo;,r confciences condemn you of wickednefs, yet lift up your felv.:s with fometbi<1" that you have; Oh know it, your beauty is gone; never a man but glorierh in fomething; fo much ellare, fo much elleem, fo muchwifdom, and z'f:s, binh, and beauty ; and now as proud as Satan, but yet a Hrangc: to the life of God, yo11rconverfation is not above: Oh poor creature! happy were it for thee if thou were no man, (dying fo ) but the moll defpifed of all Gods creatures, who art now abhorred of God, and [halt be the f'name of all creatures ~nether day. SECT. VI. HEnce if any man bath loll his glory and efleem in rhe confciences of the people of Cod , fee how to recover it; the Country is full of complaints and murmurings; among the reil this is one of the forell that many complain of' They are nor refpeCl:ed, they are no body; they bad this and thar e- !kem in their own Counrryof fuch Minillers, Chrillians, and were of this ' elleem ; now rhe market is fallen here, and hence offended ar every one, and cannot pafs for members in many Churches ; and hereupon bear a private grudge againfl: the Church, and all Ordinances inir, and flieTowns, or !it Hill, andcomfortthemfelves their confcienceis clear,&c. Iris withmanyasitis with Briftow-llones, they arelike pearls, and fo they go till they come to the Jewellers; and then when rried nor worth two pence; fo many men never came ro the trial, as here Gods providences rry fome men more than ever loffes, forrows; Gods Ordinances try men, and thus rh~y are found roo light; would rou now recover ir ? Oh get a Spirit ofholinefs! and think, Oh I have had a h1gh elleem of my felf, bur I fall iliorr of that brokennefs for my vilenefs, and want that c;:Heem of, and acquainrancewirb rhe Lord Jefus, that rhe glory of the Lord is nor to this day rifen upon me ; Oh then make after , and merchandife for this, Prov. 3· 14, I 5> I 6. Sometimes a godly man lofeth this; is there not inwardly a decay of holinefs r and hence c..;od ~ath forfaken, and fuf- . fered eo fall into fome lin, fo as man bath feen it ; do you think rhe Lord will · honor you in rhe hearts of his people, while you diilionor him ? when yo_u live in a vain dead-hearted condition, and di(~uife your felves, or in impemtency for open offences either of opinion or pra6tice; Be it far from me, faith the Lord, 1 Sam.z.<,o. them that difhonorme Jhall be iightlycHcem~d; and hence God will cut off Eli's children; you know whac a fad letter T aul wrote to the Corinthians; bur when fhey faw the fpiritual meaning, z Cor,7. 14,I 5· Paul boalls of them ~ Titus his affeCl:ion was abundant roward them; if not abundant confeffion and giving glory to God , how Jbould you look rhac God Ch01ud elfeoive o!ory to you? it's wonderful to fee, how men that have been convinced of fin~ and yet would hide ir, how rhe Lord in his jealoufie harh d_ifcoveredrhem in his time; the fin bath been committed by them, andenh:;b .