Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

t.· Opene~ ~nd Applied. . , · I :bath been made, and fome conv1chon, andy~t they have wound off, and cri. \ed out of ~vrong; the Lord barb l~ft them to w:>rfe evils; An? fo the Lord will dealw1rh men ; and fo I fay, h1de your fin, lt !hall be your !hame at lalt, and the lord will never honor you in the confciences of his people till you out wirn 'it,and; Jannes and 'fam!JYes, their madnefs !hall be made known ac li(t; I fpeak not this that men !bould make holinefs a bridge to their own honor, and fo to fla~1d upon Chrifts !boulders; but that this is the way to ·regain l ~~e~ ble!Iing, wb1eh an humble heart knows how to wanr, as w:ll as to Oh then place your glory in this; of all things in the world,· a man deiires .notlling more than honor; it's clearer life, and it is that which every one 1 dorh dc!ire; Ob beloved, hunt not afcer fhadows, feed not your hems with ~ drearns ; make not your Garl.lnds of withered flowers, but in rhis which is your glory befote Godandmen. Jer.9.24. Let not rick mmglorJ in riches, but in hu, that he b.Joweth me; It was the heavy complamt the Lord took upa;;ain[t his people, Jer.2.II. That they did ch.mge their glory; the Lord bimfelf isrhe glory of his people, as lhining in them by hiS Spirit ; it was rbe ~rear fin of rhe Gentiles, Rom.I. 2.j. that they cha,.ged the glory of the mcorruptib!e God, i11to an image of corruptible men and beafts; fo you know this is your glory; ·and oh now to change this glory for an imJ?e of glory ! and hence given up ro vile affettions, to a corruptible minde; a~d therefore Prov.8'.4,8. ,E:r:a!t her, fhc jhall 1romote thee; admire at this ! a man excels ii1 nothir()' but what headmire·sat, orfeeksnot to excel in any thin-:sbur what h:: wonde~s at; y6u \vill never place your glory ih holinefs, nor excel in it; u'nlefs you admire at ir, and i~ will rhen exalt you, and bring you·to honor, be eAU[.:: indeed ir is you!: honor : Oh that God wouldwork this, men would nor be fo greedy afcer the world, nor praife of men. · , sECT; VII. Q.\.left.Bttt how fhall we come to' rhu? . c.Anfw.'I. Confiderthe example ofChriH:, and all the people of Chrift at all times,who did not place their glo:y i~1 tbefe rhin;s, ~ut in things a· bove: If a man IS to lay much our upon fomrhmg 1n th~ matket, tf he be w11'e he will enquire of prudent men rh a~ know things,the worth of rhem,and then it fals out fometimes thofe things he efteems highly are of no value; fo here, look upon Paui,Gal.!S.q. God forlid I fhould giory in any thin~ b11t the crofs of Ohrift; I Cor.4.I 3· When the CGrinthians were puffed up with grearnefs, to pull them down from rhis, he profeffeth he~tnd others wm the oJf-fcouring of the world; and rhis was their olory,verfe 16. Look upo ~1 CbriJl: himfelf, he hada~muchexcellencyascouldbe, yethe caft ic off, dejpifeda ll the ghry of the world, was a worm and no man; h'e profe!ferh he foug M 110 honor ?f men, b11t the will of h,im thar fent him; this was his glory. · · z. Look upon the excellency of in.Chrill, I Cor.~. it. Glory not , in mm, for all thinus are yours; rake any Prince that harh a Ki1igdom, will he heufe in a cot rag~. or fpe!'td his rime and car-e to'rnarch anll repair rhar? no, all' the Kingdom is mine; and hence he will have Kingly thoughts and Kingly aims, and ends, andatts that ennoble him indeed : So here, 2Cor.5.9· Knowi"?;wehave~:~ hou(e tlbove, that th~re is but abreath between us and glory; we tabor (are ambitious) that whether abfent 9r p"efe-4t to bt ac-cepted 9f him. The v.ery reafon why the hearts, minds, lives of men are [o deb~f.:d, as to feek their H h h ·z glory