6o !" Vfe 6. The Patable of the Ten Virgi~r, clory in that which is their !hame, is this, they know no better efiare, no ~reater glory; rhe God of glory, and Kingdom of glory, and promife ofglory, and Ark,and.Cherubims, and oracles of glory in Chrifi have been to this day hid from rhe1reyes; hence Heb.u.'J.. Chriflforthc;o;[etb•f•re him deJJnfed the fhdme. 3· Make the Lord prefent with you, and fee him !hine about you in his glory ; when poor men come to rh~ Court and fee no Kino then~, they bow down to his Chair ; whereas if he was feen he !hould have all rhe honor then ; fo . when men fee creatures, but fee them like empty chairs, the God of glory no t filling of them, we bow down to creatures ; but when God is feen, now the foul gives all glory to him ; aman that lives without any in his houfe as chief, all fervancs attend on him, but when the Prince comeswirhhistrain, now all his Servants with himfelfare too little to attend on the Prince; fo here, when men cOmCf to pray, o~ preach, or fpeak, Oh how d?th a wicked heart feek it felf? but wh~n the Lord. Is feen, now all attend on h1m ; hence when God fends his people to ~on?r him, he firfl appearsro them i.n his glory, and it never is long out of their minds; hence .Ak_aham forfookhtsown Country, Ails 7· Mofes for[ookEgpt, he fawGod invillbk, Heb.ii.26,27. Pfal.zz. u!t. All nations fha/1 remember and turn t• the Lord; when the Lord is feen,all our glory is !hame, 1]11.6. and now glory in thac, and make him as prefent as at the b(l day, then all !hall fall down before him. <4· See how every fervice you perform unto him, every aCl: of holinefs, quickned by the Spirit of life is pleafmg to him ; if a Prince be with a man, and cannot be pleafed, nothing can content him , or we hear n6t one word from him whether we pleafe him or not, we !hall grow weary of him at lafi ; but to confider this, he that ferves me, him_ rti/l mJ fatberhonor, that every cup of cold water , fha/1 have a 'I>ifnp!es reward, that every groan . jh~tO be heard, that what you do to one of theft little onu, JO* do it to Chrift, and Chri!l rakes it as kindly as done to himfelf, tbar the Lord rtmemuers the love ~f 7our efPoufals, Jer. 2. when you fo.llow him in a land nor fown, that tbe comfort of all your tabors, rears, futfenngs, !hall follow you to heaven, and for everlodge in that bklfed bre(l of thin-e; Oh Brethren, faith P..ul, afWIIJS aho<~nd, and fpend your time here, k!zowing your lahor is not in vain in the Lord; why domen feek to pleafe rt'ien, and place their glory there? becaufe ·men fee and approve them ; Oh what is this to the approbation ofaGod ? S E C T. VIII. OHthen preferve this your glory; when men have any thing in· the world that is their glory , their Crown their Treafure, Oh they will keep that efpecially ; rather lo!e life than lofe their n~mes, and glory in theworld; Oh preferve the fpirit of holinefs, efpecially in thefe places; this bath b~en, this only !hall be our glory; and that not in name, and yet d.!ad, but in deed and in power we have had our Chrifiian converfation, and that not by contenting our felves with a little, but to be exactly holy ; a little fpot is foon feen in your .coat ; you !hall obferve it. I. When the Jews !hall be madethegloryofall the earth; their glory !hall not confifi then in immediate Revelations, but in Sanctification; there !hall be holinefs and fanCl:ification; there !hall be holinefs on pots and horfe bridles. z. When the Lord will be a defence to his people, and a tbado1v from heat, and from the Sun! it !hall be when the Lord hach puroed away the filth of men by a fpiric of burning ; nor which burns up all holin~fs, but filthinefs and [elfconfidence