22. 'The'Parable ofthe ------- --------------------------------------~------~1 3• ConGder that all he leeks for is love. I z. ConGder he makes love eo thee. • 4· Confider what he will do forthee, how he will love thee, if thou wi!tlove him. I SECT. I. ' x.cOnfidertheGloryoftheperfon, forwhom I pleadfor love. Whatcan I you love beGdes him? Where can you find any like unto him? I know theGlory ofthe Lo~d is not revealed,_ bec_aufe _the gralfe wi thers nor, the flower ; fade; not, rhe creature apfears not ·m h~s Wlt~ering vamty, I[a.4o. But if the I J.ord would but open your eyes, to fee hun, thts would wm your hco rts alone . tohtm. . \ Now IJhall fingleout onlythefe five thing>, to give you a glimpfe ofhis Glory. Lift up thy hem, ahd fay, Lord hide not now thy face from me. I I. Heis thePrirtceef the Kings of the emh, Rev.I·5· The gloryofthe world is a Kingdom, the glorious Diamond of th~r Kmgdom is a Prince in his Glory; now for a poor Beggar to have an offer of love fro .n the greare! I Prince in the worId, would it nor rempt F!er ? Would ihe not forfake her lovers 1 _ and fet her heart em him? Why look what a dillance there is between rhe poorell Pe•fant and rhe high ell Prince, fo bafe, and a thoufand rimes more are all the Prince; of the world to Chri!t, whofe Dominion is from fea to fe.1, fro:n Sun to Sun, who fets up and puis down Kin;;s like Counters , who rule; their Courts, their Kingdoms, their bearrs, and tney do not .do, they cannot do, but what he IV~ I. Other Kings are Princes, are Rulers of men, Chrill Prince of Kings. Noiv-lvho\vould not be glad of his love? who J)a\'ing tailed d<mh, is fer down on the right hand of GOd, on high, doathed with endle!fe Glory, who bath Kings in his ch.1ines, whofe breath is not in his n<i!lrils, wbofe favour is not for a day, but he lives and reignes for ever. Now dmb Cbrill reign? Is be a Lord, ahd ill Glory upon his Throne? Methinks I fee Jefus at the right hand of God, your foolilh affeC\ions i.lve undvne you if you love him not. z. He is ~ppoinred by the Father robe Judge of quick anci de ,td, at the !all day, Joh11s.zz,z3. aswellastoruleallnow. So thatifyoudomaintainenmity apain!l him, he :n.ty let you alone, you may live in he.tlth, and die in feace, in the eye ofman, and in thine own eyes too: Yet there is a day co:ning he w:ll breakoutofHeaven with afh•ut, and appear in the clouds in the amazing Glory efhis Fatherj with allhu mighty Angels, and all the de.td Jhnllhcar huvoice, and you Jbail appe.1r before him with this body , when the He.wens llull burn roundabout him, and the emh 1h,11l tremble under him, and all guilty eyes m.ourning and waylin" becaufe of him. Then you ll1al! know what 'ris to defpifebim, andwilh,gbthatl bad loved him, Rev.1.7. You th ,lt fay you love him, yet by an im;:enirent heart pierce him, you !hall way!, even fo, Amen. Men do not fee an ~nd of thefe things, nor the Glory of rhe Lord another day. Hence creatures are loved, and the Lord of Glory is loathed. A great Prince may not be fo hi.,hly dleemed, umi!l he appears in his flare. Prifoncm WGuld give any mony, ~uch more love, for rhe Judges Favour. 3. He only is the procurer and author of all rbe good th,tt ever thou did!1: ruck out here , thouob thou h:tll neither known him , nor been thaHkful ro nim. For look"as it was with Angels, fo it lhould have been with man; rhe wr.uh ofGod ·lltould have been poured out upon him, and on all the world, and creatures lhould have been tormentors of him, bur rhat the Lord Jefus begged I and bouobt theworld. And hence, I Tim.4.10, called Saviour ofall, but chiefly . ofthe El~c1. Micah 4+ In his daies men jh12ll fit under Vine~ and Fig-trees: So rhat