Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

i Open~d and Applied. 1· l4 4 ~--------~~---~~------~----~ ~ I SE CT. VIII. ! ' , ;1 · T His Spir/t and fu!neffecf it , the Sain:s 'not or.!J fY''l fa r , bur ;hq 1 , fo llow th~1 r ~~ay:rs :o Chrijl: ~ Hlftillth.·ir fouls are [weet {1 [atisjied with ir, 1111d fo •t ab ,des dally fatuf}l ng the,rheam. Jolm4.14- fhe ma- !:er I [hall gi·ve , fhtdl be a ffi ring , j o 4.1 1heJout (hall not thirjl: cdter more /gra·e; i. e. with a tormt:mmg thirfl; nor after the world ; rhe grace of 1 God , and the Spirit of God in the heart is fo ffleet , that fhe foule faith, i Oh ii: is enoug~ , oh if my foul might ever be thus near rh~ Lord,indeare~ \ to him , w~lkmg rhus humbly, thmkfully , cheerfully WICh htm , th1s ibouldbe all my defire; and hence, J ohn 14. ' 16. iris called the C~m/'r· ter , "i'<hicb dwells in them, aild is ktmvn r y them, the world knows it nor. 'Now here is the wonnd of 01hers, they have the Spirit convincing tlrem of emptinefs , in ifery, nakednefs, and theylie fo, and they del1re; but as Solomon [al[b, Pro-v. I 3· 4- Th:J ~tre /orfaksn of t/;e Spirit,. before they jinde him to be a Com forter q11enchmg thetr thrrfly defires, mt</z!ng them to feele rhe fweetnefJ of his 'Prefonce, of his Grace. Ifa. ~8. II. There )Vere divers • that did pray , fall, draw n~r to God , and did delight in it , but they fel~ not what they defired at all; there were fome, their fouls )VOte leane, and like parched defarrs ; but when the heart is indeed humbled , the fpirir coil').es in, aad makes the bones fat, and like a watered garden ; Oh therefore take heed you give not over, rill rhe Lord pour out in thy empry heart of the fulnefs of his grace. z.. 1 hi1 Spirit ever /t!eps "m~~n poor ani. 'liile inhis own eps 2 a11d emt}~ Tak~ a man that bath no knowled'\e, nor ~alle of Gods gra.ce, whi~ e fiodes ignorance, he quy p;ay, and be diligent in ufe of means , and fllfJ of }ife ; but when he bath got ~me knpwle9ge , and can clifcour(e Pr!;tty well, and lnath ~ometaftes of the Heavenly Gi_ft, fome fl'!eet el~pfes ~ \ gra~, and fo hts confctence 1s pretty well qutered , and, tf be bath gp,l ' fome an!iver to his prayers, and bath live~t affe&ions, he grows ftdl , and havipg eafe to his confcien~e, calls off fence, and daily groaning under fill; And hence theSpirit of Prayer die~ , he lnfes his e[leeme of Gods Orelinances , feeles not fuch need of them, or gees no good , fedes no life and power by them ; and whereas b~fore be could Cltch ar r:,very word, and motiriJ when he found the Lord paffed by him, and fpeak never a good word to him : .now l1!l fuch trouble, b:caufe h; is full. This is che woful cond:don of fome , but ye£ they know ir nor ; bur now he that is fillc:d with rhe Spirit , the Lord empties him, and the loAger he lives, fo that others think he needs no( much grace, yer he accounrs himfelf rhe poore{l , and feel s a need of every truth of Goc;l , and Ordinanceof God ;_ his fin ( 'tis true ) conrinu\!SJ 'ris nor quire aboliibed, ,a.ncl his lighing within himfelf continues alfo to Ifa. 57· ri. poore, and yer rhe Lord dwellsrhere ; ho1v can tbl! fe !1and together ? very weU in rhefe who are the Lords. 3. Th i! Spjrit comes in that fu.fnef?, M that it fo purifies the heart of jin 11nd {e lf, as tluzt it mak§s the foul fet it fc!f for God, M his /aft enc/ an4 IMpfiitJejfe, >!nd [o M th11t the ;worl:_ of Chrijl: n his b!ejfednejfe. 2 Timq. ' 20, 2I . Hethat pu~geth himfd f j'Oin thcfe things, i,· a Ve(Selof h~np'rlr, and fit for his M.aftm ufc. hIS with fome fouls, as it is with fome drqfly Velfe!$ , theyare put out of the fire, and they are taken QUt tefore t~~ir drofs 1S removed, orthey mehed, or if melted, yet not fJihioned for ufe, even . . ~ I .