Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

144 , I The Parable ofthe Ten Virgins, 1-~~~--------~~~ ,_ _____ even to every good work ; fo fome have grear rroubb wirhour and wirhrn; now rhe fire 'io~s. oar, or rhcy ger our. of rhe fire; v iz:.. rhe trouble , b~­ fore their drofs rs removed , or therr finful narures be changed; or ifrhey ' be melred, yet they are nor fJthioned, and framed for rheir MaHers ut~ ·: only; rhey are for rheirown ufe, and rheir. lults ufe '· an<;lfeek r~emfelves in . all they do, bur nor for rhe ~ords ufe ; rt Is nor rhc1: hfe ro hve to God. ! Promifes are fweer , ' and Cfmt1 rs fweer, and Heaven IS fweer; bur rhe work · of Chrill ro b~ of ufe for Chrift, rh is is nor their b!ifs: I know Saims. fJII ~ lhorr here much, and feek rhemfe!ves; bur yer rheir hearts are prepared, J falhioned, fer for rh is end, and they rhroug h rhe help of rhe Spirir, refine j rhemfelves for rhe Lord;rhar when/in defires rhem eo ferve ir,No(rheir anfwer , is) I am no 'debror , nor fervam ro you ; I have lived roo long ro you ~ already, I am now 'cheLords, and for . rh~ Lord ; Oh rhar I mighr have ·' rhar honour as robe employed for him ; I fay unro yoa, rhe Lord harh here filled _ you , . and fined you for h's ufe , and you may be comfo(red. • ~:-----~--~-SE~~~--. ---. --- ~ 3: wHen the foul h· r~coveted out of tha;/ccnriry., whic}H'(ua!IJ 6efalls l men ..fur fame t1me of firft ajfellzoJ1 and profejfion, m that n.eafure, M that non>;, lzvts unto the Lord in a daiiJ waiting f•r him, and longing for him_, >~hen the Lord fees it mm to come and tal(; him to himfelf. For all rbefe VHgu:Jsfell alleep , afrer they came our ro with their burnin::;Lamp_~; .and not only rhe fooliJh, bur rbe wife alfo llepr. Now I ask you, Do you rhink they were ready then for rhe Lord ? No, nor unrill rhey were awakened againe, and the wife had gor their Lamps ·burning againe , ~and wai'ring for him ; bur yer rhe foolilh had got nor ,only no light to their Lamps, bur Oyle was wanring alfo ro rheir Ve!fels ; So ir is here. I · Time hJCh been, tharrhe Lord barb awakened you wirh feares and terrors I about your ef!ar.e, and you have goc into the aJfembJings of the Saints roger&er; ·and kept company wirh them , and you have efcaped the ourward pollutions of rhe world, and defilemencs of Gods worlhip and Cervices , and you.have (een rlie infufliciency of all duties, and ir is Chrit1 you have lcok't afrer, and prayed for , and gor fame peace and comfort rbar he is yours, and have look'r ro meer him , hoped if you die, char you f'nould be faved ; bur have you not fain into a fecure frame againe , both wife and fooFih? have you nor rurned Prodigals, and fpenr, and lofl all , afrer you have had your portions? if nor, rhank God, b~ nor high-minded , bur feare ; for very few, bur afrerfulnefsfall alleep; and afrerrhey have had fame peace of confcience, bur rhey fall ro enrer into fame peace, ifnor wirh' fame foul o- .J pen fins, yer fame rruce wirh fame le!fer fecret fins; and if rh~ir oyle b~ 1 nor fpenr, rheir farrows fpenr in forrrowing, rheir rroubie fpenr in rrou- f ble, their de!ires fpenr in deliring (as water fpends away ir felf in running 1 our of a Ci!terne, nor our of a Sprin<>) yer rheir ligbr bath gone our; the J beauty of rhy profdfion is ( ic may .be) Jolt, rhar bear and life is gone which : others faw , and you faw much more : are you ready now? and though you I may have fome awakenings , yer are diey fo far as ro c~ufe you to : ge~ up , and kindl~ your Lamps , and waire for rbe Bndegroome ? If 1r be f~ that fi11l you keep fleeping , and have not your Lamps .. ready