f · - Opened and Applied. I 145 \, j ready rrimm'd , rhen'you arejufias all the foolilh Virglns w<:re, b~fore die · cry came. \ ~~---·· -· -~~- ----"--· -~ I SECT. X. I j ~a(l . BUT may 110t a godly man die in a declining, decllying , Jec;sre ' (ram : ? · : eAnfw. i. He may die _in an uncomfortable frame , w}rhour great peac.e ! of confcience ; · for fomenmes a mansLamp may 11une bnghce(t, when hts I peace is leaf!:; bur the more prayer, rhe more fearchings arrd wafhing of 1 1 heart is rhen ro be attended; a godly man may die mottrning for ought I know, and the Lord give him his garment of gladnefs in Heaven, for the I . fp iric of heavi ntfs here on earth ; b~caufe though he loferh the camforr of i his e!l:ate , ye t no: the fafety of tt, b~caufe , .he dyes. under the wings ' of a Prom;fe ; So that though he dyes uncomforraoly , yer nor fe1 curely. ,' ~ · . . 2 . He may die ro his fe~Hngjn fuch a ·frame, poor, and contrite ; for i growing in the fence, o[, emptinefs ·;. is nor ~ecaying i 1 rhe b eing or cower of 1 hol inefs ; the Lord ts.-now prepanng of htm Jo honour hts grace, when he dorh npc help him eo honol!r his Will in chat inlargednefs of heart to ir as 'ht: would, fMhahi)is fou l is not dl!caying. ·· _ · ' h Buryes_Ido nor . kno\Yth~tthe:Lord lershispeople die ordinarilyina wi c~~rj. .,g copdicipll; -efpecialJy if ir..appear fo C? others of his difcerning fervanes ; the Lord will fend fome cry eo awaken ~Is fervancs before .ht! comes; eo them, or they ~.\Iter' i11co ~he Mantiage'wirh hirri: I will allow, fome unur~al exceptions againit . gem;~a;l rules ;.rvand put in .Afa for one, and lea ve fe-.- ' crets witb God ; bucordinaril y.;cbeldrd dorbnoc lerhis deare Servimrs dxe . ,in a fottilh fecure efta~e : Wllen S ampfqns locks are cure, anrl his ' .flrengrb J !oil, he lhalllieinthe Mill ·unci!lthf,!yb::grqw"! againe befo rebe,, dies; and1 Solomon may run ryor, bur hdhall proclaim ~is fal!y eo aU ages · in thd i worldfor ir, i n E<clef. eeforehe dies. Epuf. '5. z6, 27. Chrijl. pu fent.s 1 hi.· Church withou,t wrinckje; you are to be prefenred by Chrifl to the Fa~- rher, and to be fct before ChriH without wripckle, Wlth!lut witherings 1 and decayes ; if he loves you, be will walh you , that ,ir may be fo. ·, -----·-·---------· -----' --·-- sEcT. n. L . ~eFt . B 'V r ' ;;,,ft (hey be f a far re awak.;ll.ed, af t• wait for the Lord , and .lefire ta be with him, having got.'Ve(1e!s full , a~d L amps burning? . Anfw. Yes , in fome meafure aclea'ft; for tbl!re · are awakenings to the li fe of glory in anorh<:r worfd, and awakening's to the life of duties in rh~ . wor ld ; by rhe one the fou l is raifed our of ibis wo'rld to the Lord in Glory; by rhe other the foul is raifed up to duties in rbis worl-d;. f the Lord· awakens not his Saints to rh~ firfl , either they are not awakened truly, or M t rh roughly a_nd eff~etu a ll y; for rill then the foul is not ready, L uk:; I z. 40. . wirh ~ · 5· A~ 1t 1.~ w:rh a m1n who is fenc for to enJoy .favour· and fellowlh1p of the K1ng, be 1s not ready for it , untill he (lands waiting at the door, and rh~c Tee lt .I