The Parable of the T~n P irgins, it is his bufinefs; the pmernes of I?ercy, and Velfels of glory, are ever fer out in the_NewTe!~ame nt, bythxs, f!eb.9. u!t. Tir. 2.z2,q. Look as It was wx:h Sm.e<n, Luk;. 2. 25. He had a pro!Uik he flould fee Chnll be[ore he dx~d_; he_nce ?e wm~9 for the co~folation of Ifrae / ; fo the foul havmg a promxfc of feemg Chn!l: when he 1s dead it makes him wait for thinxme ; and when he wants a protnife fealed, th~ugh he waites not nextly, yet he wa1tes remotely, that the Lord would caufe him to b·- Iieve it? ~hat fo. he might wait for it; that is_ his end, this is the; he know~ It Is bell to b::: vvxth the Lord, wh:::rl! Is no fin , but holinefs; he ha rh found him fweet in his looks, in his words, in his works, in his hopes his firf1fruits, bur to be with him is belt , This'is not.~uch an hig,hpitch which Sainrs. come nor. r.o, it is indeed fuch winch Hypocntes come n.ot to; the Hypocnres end xs to efcape mifery. hence they deiire comfort by <juries, that rhey /ball be freed from 1t , but no~ to enJOY ChriH ; the Lord never tied in their fouls fuch a knot of faith and love which works this. " For I. Security of Saints, 'Lis!ion o.f _life (that is dearh) bur a f~[penflOf!: of r~e att.s of IU:e )· there 1s m them love to Chrilt, dehghr m hxm , happ1nefs 10 hvmg to hxm, pl~afing of hxm ; but it is fufpended by cafes or contems. ·df· theworld, and love Of eafe; hence a Chri- !lian is never thnoughly awakened, till he comes to rhat life againe ; his heart · is wi.rh ChtiHin heaven; · ~P!d b~:aufe ho.c~nnot be th.ere_, hence he ltayes awhxle, acd looks, and waxrs. for 1t ; ali'lothers fecumy IS the privation of life, of empty duties arifing from fom~:~ y~nilhing -affettions,as in the fooliih Virgins w~idt w:re t'o~etlco~fciencd.o!lly; Hl!nce their awakenino a:e only to that hfe agaxne at me· bdf, If eve.r Ci:od dG ~waken them , unlefs the Lord indeedconverrthem. ,1 ,.,., • oJ z. Every thing will mightily i:end to-Ghat towhich its nature bends and inclines it ; as a. Gone ii. thrl;lwn upwatd, ·:I"'iH mightily rend downward. Some fi\y there·is ;a£ Element of fire above , bekaufet this here endeavours w afcend, as being we of its place; he that is oftlle earth, -he will be tendino tb it, thoUg~ awaken~dl though lifted . up;· Sall~[S : wi;l t _' ~ rending upward: oocaufe rbeu. n:itu~e IS heaven.J.y , lovmg, looking, wamng, longing, 2 Cor; 5· 3, 4- w,ith• z. as Angels here be willing eo Hay to do the work, but yet they long; to bet before. the face of G<:>d againe, becaufe their natures are heavenly, Mid ohere rheu proper place xs. ' Now for tl.teLord Jefus'fnke examine your felves here. I hope fome are · awakened,' the Word bath done it; f;ry of affii~ions , inward temptations have made vou look about you, and you are weaned out wxrh your own wayes; but are you not fince grown fecure ? time was the feet of the Meflengers of peace were glorioLts, but now rheir Melfage is meane; Sabbaths longed ofor, now you are weary of them , heartlefs in them , fleep with the fpoon ia your mouths ; private duties were feafons of breaking the heart, refrelhing l and comforting from the Lortl , . but now you neglett them, fleight them , and the Lord in them , a,nd are not much. troLtb!ed at it, becaufe you have fame excufe or other for it; thy mouth was full of good quellions , nowJ thou rhinkell thy felf more ticrn t,each than learn ; thy fociecy was fweec as the Rofe in Spring; noW> ebe fweet odoor of it is Jolt ; time was thl'u\ wert exceeding tender of rb~ leafi linne , and not a day palt, but thy cheeksl were wet in [ecret before the Lord ; no1v rbou art grown blinde and bold , and you can defile your felf in all your wayes, and your faith in Chri!l: keeps you from repentance for G_n; time was, the truth was glorious, and you could make ufe of your Notes ma-ny a day after, when you did not finde good in puhlick; but now pen and Ink is left at home, •you call your bread into · cor-