( Opened-and Applied. 147 i corners, and feed nor yout hearr_s the:ewich : Time was, you c?uld tak~ a / rebuke kindly, when you vvere lmle In your own eyes ; but now If you chmk I a reproof is meant of you , your hearts can fwell , nay , now your Judge- \ menc decayes; What warrant for private prayers twice a day? what warrant , for weekly Sermons, when we have fix dayes eo Iabou~, and one eo refl in? I you we1e formedy more1e~aa, but now wifer, and eh us you lie, and ~s if j you were come eo the end of your race already , and reach not after things I before you, you have enough grace, hence you ch111k you /ha ll be faved, 1 and fo fie fill, and now play the good Husband: Oh rhe Covenants you have had, if ever you came hith& vvhat you would do l oh the efleem of cheLord afaroff! bucnovvyou arebrokenby your Voyage, andyour Vef- , fel is crackr , and oyle is run our , and ~a~p is out~ w!ll you dye fo? if you fay yes, I profefs you are nor ready; 1t Is a q~eH10n If ever ~ou had. grace, if it be fo; and the:efore bl~fs ~od, _the Lord g1ves you warnmg this day; bur I feare many will nor {he nil Chnll comes; I fay as lne eo Sampf,n, Vp, for the 'Phi!iHim ar: upon tlm; to I fay, Security is upon thee, and yvrach isnovv gone out ro awaken thee, If the word doch nor. '------------.... -------------- SECT. XIT. Ufe 3· Q F 1 Exhortation. La6our to be in a readinejfe, ~wak.;n out of Jleep, and get your q arments on, JOllY loJnes girt, your Yrf~ feb fH/t, 7our Lamps burning , that you may be indeed ready, ""d rhe ,Loi--1. may finde yoN fo, M welt M men think._.7ou f• ; Iris Chrills Exhortation , Lnk! u. 40. whe~eupon 'Peter askc, Did he fpeak that Parable only eo the Difciples, or of all? Verfe 41. he anfvvers all , efpecially ehem chat know the Lords mindeherein, anddo itnoc, Verfe 47· So you may · ask me, Whom do I prefs eo make ready? I anfwer all. Two forts I /hall rherefQrename. 1. Thole who are yet nnready, either in whole orparr. 2. Tho!e who are ready , bur not fo ready as chore lhould be who !land b~fore the Lord ; and as chemfelves will with another day they had been ; the wife as well as foJiilh , may be !leepy , and fo unready for a time ; bur 'Oawake. , Firfl, Thofe who are unready and unprepared for the Lord and his coming ; are there any fuch? Yes, very many; fome there be who know they are unready,and vvillnot yet bny,and yec prepare not for ic, becaufe they are youn~ enough y~r, or have rime enoubh to provide for that hereafter. Some others, b~cAufe they cry, Lord, Lord, and look to Chrill, and are wet thought of by the wife, chat chink they are ready ; hue know ic, all yourrhoughrs ', •and cares, and prayers, and endeavours , are Jicc!e enough for 1t , evt;n all your life ; a.1d yet to prepare for this, hach been the le.tfl pare of many a mans life ; and fuch is che fecuricy of fome, chat till Chrifi come, they will not Gird up themfelve~ to rh1s Work. ' T ttz SECT.