Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

148 l The Parable of the Ten Jl irgini, I --~--~------------------S~E~C_T_. __ X_ll_I.----~~------_ I Motive 2 . ,? . COnjidlr tiJe lamentable end •f one who dies unrMdJ ; feme (nor all) rho Lord leaves for rerrours eo th~ . fecure world, who are as oood as men rifen from the dead , to reil men of the vanity of their finful ~ourfes who looking upon time pall: , they fee rhac it is irrecov_erably Jolt, and palt away as a dreame , and loll. as a!hadow; look upon ume prefent, they feel rhe1r fouls left naked, their accounts nor made , an end come to all their hopes a~d comf~ns here , their body lick , rheir confcience trembling , if not tearmg , rheu heart~ hard ! _God departed, ~be grave opened for their filthy carkalfes, and Devils wamng for r~e1r fecure foules ; And. now fay fuch , What ptofit havel for all my 'a111ty under the Sun ? Look eo rime eo come, rhererhey feetheThrone fer, the Lord}efus on it, their foules fl:anding naked before him, ~vhofe gra~e was great coward them whiles rhey Jived , bur whofe face now IS a confummg fire ; and rbey behold eternity even rhac erern~.l black Gulf between them and the Lord ; and here they lie wtlhing they had taken their rime , profefling now their rime is loll: befeeching others ro take warning by them, deliring rhe prayers of o;hers. bur yet thinking though Noah and Samuel lhould !land refore the Lord fo; them , there is no hope. Come and reil them , Do nor calt away mercy calt nor away that blood , which is wonhy ·o be sathered up by b!dfed An: gds in V, ffels of gold; la~enr, and rer~rne, .and t~e Lord will ro you; '!:"hac rei ' you me of repennngand behevt -.g ? 1sa fickume, a fir rime ro . rej>epC j , ~ but the Lord hath done great thmgs for you, you have rhouohr fo 1 'butchere were fuch fins, or fuch a fin, I knew,you knew not ; I lm~w i~, yet I loyed it , I had indeed fome lazy purpofes to fodak~ it , but th"e I;c.rd hath taken me in my feemings ; but mercy is infi ire ; oh it's my torment; ~ ~ave feen an end of my finnes, and now I fed rh ~ beginnincr of my cor!Jll!nt; happy are they that die in the Lord , and thrice happy ::.that make ready for the Lord. ConJ!der thoH hlljl 6ut 11 fhort time to prepare in , and the time wilt be then, whenthou doft /e~~ft think_ of it, Lukf 12. 46. The Lords Arrows are now flyingrl>road; ifyoudidchink youlhould benext fmirren down dead, you would prepare ; but you think rhe Lord delayes bisJ coming ; Oh Remember , that time thou do'H leall think of , Chrill: will come. . If tenreadJ now, ]Oil will /;e much mor1 H'!J'MdJ next daJ; grant chy time robe loJJg ; you will be the more unfit the longer you delal,; thou hall hinderances now, the longer rhou livefl, thou wilt have more an'Q more; hy heart l'lill be harder every day than ocber, -......-----,~--~------. ------ SECT. XIV. c,Me11nes t.. P RIIJ unto the Lord that he TPoHld prep~tre J'"• andfit 7'"' give lhw C hrift, and fulnef? of hu Spirit unto ;ou , which you k_t,ow zhe Lord will give to them thllt 114k_; for manli~ the Potters clay, w no more able to prepare himfeif for glorJ, th11n to ~tppozllt And ele£1 himfeif thereunto. Hence Pfa!. 19·