Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Meanes 3· The Parable ofthe Ten Virgins, 2. Spiriwa! fulnefs, and fccrec loathing of Ordinances , when men i are cloaoed With them. 1 3· D~fpiling known truths (which like flowers , wen: notwirhftandino i fweec at lirHgachering ) either concerning your mifery, or Chrifi: if rh~ 1· Gofpel were preachc to the 1gnorant, rhey would rake heave11 wirh vio- l lence; but thy foul now Is nor moved , ana the meffengers of God char I bringthem,defpifed,as Galatia and Corinth did Pat</. · 4- A fpirit of conrenrion \Vith good people. Now you ca-nnot bear unkimlneffes, and they offend you, &c. Alexander ar firlt flood for '1' aut, and he oppofeth Paul to hts face at latt. ' . I"· Boldnefs ro l;n in fmall matters commonly without forrow , .begot by counte rfeic alfurance of Gods love. 6. Seeking of God in Ordinances, and working of iniquity out of them; fits men have of good affections, but healthful confbrurions of bad ones. 7. Thinking you are indeed what you would be , and yet indeed would not be : There be orher !ins , but thefe are fome of cl!e mofi fpecial which I /hall now mention 1 take heed of letting chefe grow , or dealing gently with them; for Saints may feel chefe·, but they put their hook to rhe roots of thefe Weeds, and wouldfaine pull them quire up; bar if youdealgencly, (as David with che young Abfolom) and chink God mufi do all , I cannot part wich. them; and hence you give way eo them ; and though chere be chefe !ins,· yet I h~ve many good !ignes and promifes coo I /hall be faved ; and fo long as chey cannot de!lroy my foule , what though they grow ip my foul ? You peri(h ( I Cor, 9· z6, z7.) if thus it be with you. · T 11k§ heed JoU do not run away with fuch c•mforts arijing from your feeding upon the promife and perfon of Chrifl, without refte{hing the fot<le alfo with the good Wilt 11nd Coifll1ands of Chrift ; do not rhink_JOUY fe!ves readJ to enjoJ Chrift, when his promife, perfon, and love is fweet, (which is ga~d) hut his will is hitter, and a 6urden to thy foul, even thy whole foul, ( I know 'ris fo eo the unregenerate pare of godly men ) for fuch men there be, I John I. 6. ~To che Saints, Chrifls love is fweet , and promife fweer, and therefore his Will, his Work. John 4· 34. --Bread you know nor of, to do the Will •f him that fent me , and to fini(h it ; [o it is their food to do the Will of him rhac loves them, and to linilh it; If a man is to remove from one Countrey to another, and he cannot live upon rhe Bread of rhe Countrey , nor warer where he goes , he is then unlit for fuch a Journey, becaufe he cannot Jive upon the bread of it. Now what is rhat wliich feeds the life of Saints in glory? not only Chrifi, but living unto Chrifi, to be perfeaed under the Government and Kingdom of Chrift ; can you live upon this now in part , and the fir{! fruics of it ? if you can, kn6w it is then prepared for thee, and rhou for it; if nor, but you hve (as you fay) upon che prefenr fweetof the promife; nay, ic may be !lpon the -.thoughts of old comforts ; bur to do the Will of Chrifi , is death, not life ro you; and it is meerly your task for wages, eo do his Will, not pa(t of your Inheritance, youareunlit robe with Chrifi; ..Acts zr. q. w_hy 6reak_yot< mJ heart? (faith Paul) I am readNo die for the fak_e of Chrift, and to do much more; So chink rhus, Was Pat<! ready to die, and I nor, ready to do ? my heart !oaths chy Commands Lord ; but what the I:aw makes heavy, the Gofpel makes fweet; for rhy fake, Lord , I love thy Will; pray, Oh thy love is fweet, but lerchy will be fo alfo. . I L11bour