Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened ~d Applied. Labour to grow poor in ~ that when you cannot the L?rds Will, yet you m11y he l,atheri»g Jom ,thin$ out of all fnnes a;,d wealznrjfes, to Mumes + honour Gods grace; the glory of grace IS the lafl: end; thofe thlt be prelpared for it, !hall enjoy it; W,ho are tbofe? The po, re, who when they fee rhey have loll: rhe1r Jives, their fouks, rbeir comforts, in not doing his Will, which is bitter to them , yet the I.ord {hall not lofe ~be honour. of bisgrace, 'Pfa!me 74- 21. Thepoor will,be tbankf'ul? WhatdothPau/, that Vefiel of grace, Perfecutor, Blafphemer, but a Samt, now fay? Ob but lbe lea{t of them ; but be was an Apoflle ; but I deferve not that name; bur. yet he is received to mercy; 'tis very tr~e, yet never fu cb an example, as he thinks; and therefore faith he To the Kmg immutable, &c. when 'f t~- cob had f~en the Lord , Gen. 2 6. u!t. if he Jhall give me food and ray:. menr, he !i1all be my God ( i. e. I !hall then magnifie him; h~ hav•ng faid he would be fo before , and he had it in plenty; So fay, If the Lord {hall pity, pardon, I lha!l.then give all ro him , if I had a thoufand hearts, . rongues; truly as Pj.1!me 40. ult. The LArd now thinkph on you; When a Servam hath Tpem and lofl his Mafl:e_rs e~ate , . and he is ro give up an Account , truly then he may gtve tt wtth comfort," when as he gaines one way abundantly, though he lofethanother, and makes the belt gaines ; [o her~. ______ __.., ______________ SECT. XV. a. TO tho[e who are read7, hw yet notfo readJ iU u meet. The Lord hath given you warning to prepare , by fome , lhai'p af.:. Sietions on thy felf, or by"the death ofthifriends, or.liy teeter featek bf th!ne own heart , thy rin:e is not many hands breadth longer ;_ and it:trr~x be tbts Jhall be the Funeral Sermon of fome 'of you ; you have been flymg ~ilte Bees abroad in the world to !lather your hol).ey, and the Lord ha•h' beenfmoaking of you , and that in your own Hive ; you have thought to d,welllong in Tabernacles; the Lord hath let it fall to decayes, and repair~s it n6c·again. . ' •\!' , Motive 1. •• ., <. ··~\:r~ If you live unready, it may be the Lord will try you with !ome fore con- Motive 2 • Ilia, with fears of deach, and terrors of darknefs; and all yo1.1r preparadon is too link for your combace then. The place of glory is made ready for you ; ho·.v lhall I fo unholy , fee Moti'Ue 3 •. -~:. ? Chrilt is there 'fohn I 4· 3. waiting for thee , longing after Thou art it may b~ . y~t in . many refpeel:s unready. As 1. Not yet planted tn the Houfe and Church of God, not yet oarher- <.Motive 4· ed to communion of ChriH it? his Saints on earth. I kn01v mert may ha~e Jult reafons to deferre ; but tf they have none, I would be loth to die in their room; Hcukiah, lf(l. 38. Hit. Pfa!me 26. S. I have !owdt'E; ha~ bitaiion of thy Hou[e; Oh gather not·ml [,ale with the I am perfwaded , fome deare to Chrifl: linger here, and you cannot finde rh is nor thatfavlllggood tn your felves, you fay; I had rather hear one mou,n for emptinefs, than boafl: of his grace. 2: There are many fipnes not yet mournedfufficienrly for , in dayes of .