The Parable ofthe Ten Virgins, of youth, ~nd in a fecure condition ~ in he~ven is no mourning ; oh rhere- , fore rake nme now, for want of rh1s grace 1s nor fo fweer. , 3· It may be fome main dury is negb5ted ro rhe fouls of rh~m , whom I rho_u hall a charge of, as110r Carechifing rby family, children not careft:l for i rhetr fouls. I 4· It m_ay be rho~ ball been l_itcl~ in prJyer for the Churches ( though for rhy family and ch1ldren) whfch 1s ufually rbe lall work of rhe Saims; I there's no praying for rhem in Heaven; as Chri(l ar the end of his life like: a Priell {hed blood, and prayed for them, fo Sainrs are made Prie!ls ro God 1 1 andChrill:. 5· It may be thy houfe is nor yet fee in order, nor rhy Will made , Reckonings between men not yet fee right and even , and then there , is Q!!arrels when rbou art Dead , and trouble when you dye. · i 6. It may betbouartgrown fecure, and art loll, and driven away,and many wrinckles be on thy face and heart, &c. you cannot fay wirh 7' aut, \ 2. 7 im. 4· That ;ou kave fought, &c. but are rather at truce with fin; i you run not, but have fltpt, and fallen down, and fo lofl all. i . I ' --"-------~--------------- 1 SECT. XVI. j 1 THerefore to help here in rhis readinefs , Get a heart more l•ofned ""dj weaned from the world. So/omo11he did launch out his heart herein too fa~; ;'lOt in Epicurifme, but t"cc!ef 2. 3· ' appiJing hu heart to wJfdome al! chts nn:e; fo may Y?U~ and be unready ; Ho\':' ? I cannot , bur God wtll, reach It•you by affhChon. P[alme 39· ~' 7' You are S?journers here W!th Go,d, as all your Fathers; there's norhmg proper, norhmslong ro be' enJoyeq• Own the Lord Jefm; he h· J<Urs, lmtyou own him not; asSin1eoncame 1 to rhe Temple and there found him , and rhere bleH God ; and now ( faith ; he) let me depart in peace; barb rhe Lord llirred up unurrerable ligbings, : and groanings, ,and mournings, (you rhink ( ir may be ) if Chrif! 'was prc- t fent, you would not doubt of anfwer) and they continue !till, and do you think ChriH is hard-hearted.? bath rhe Lord come eo thee in rhe Temple, I and manifeHed his love by his own promife , fure, and faithful, and wilt thou not yet own him? hall had , and hall now tbe firll fruition of the Spirit ·, and wilt not yet own him? and art afraid to go to him , YVhen others are in glory rhat trod in rhy lleps ? Oh be humbled for ir; I know ther;: is nothing which makes rhee feare it, b~t a Rebellious vile heart, and nature; and can the Lord love fuch 'a one? Yes, fuch a one, if he mournes under ir, Rom.7. 24. If... 57· r8, 19. The Lord wilt cmzte peace; he h"th feen thJ_ ,way~s, and he wilt hea!e them ; . And ~hen you have h1rn ! rhus, own htm da1ly, keep your peace, do norhlllg whtch may make you \ lofe boidnefs in prayer, and therefore reckon daily 1\lirh him; and Remem- 1 her, the promife !lands, when feelings are loft. I Object. Bstt I ~an do hut little for him. . • .Anfw. Tr4e, Ij11. 64. 6. Thou rhe Lords day , h1s Vefiel, : though of little publique ufe, yet in rhy place do what thou canlt : for Chrill Jeius. Servants , Mallers , Memb~rs , RICh , Poore , be-