Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

1 Opened and Applied. 15 3 ire--ft-i\-re__ y_o_u_r_f-el-ve-s~.f-or __ C_h_ri~fi--,--y-o_u __ili_a_ll__ l_o~-e--n-o-rh-in-g--~- .. -i-c-,--~~--- , &c. \ I VERSE IO, The Door w.u jhut. IN rhefe words is fer down the confequent of chat which immediately followed rhe Wife Virgins gracious enrertainmenr With Chri!t; the door wM fhut, by which is iignified the excluiion of the foolilh from che fellowiliip of Chrift; as alfo the greatnefs of Chri!ts love to the wife , opening the door of glory unto them; and when they are gathered , iliuccing the door againfi every one elfe. '! Hence Obfe rve, That the endeared love of Chrift to hu Elefl, doth much appear .in this, In opening the door •fg!orl unto them , and Jhnt:ing_ it againft others of great efteem aitd name m the Church of God; fo.r thts lS ·one Scope of rhe words, Gen. 7.16. To open the Kingdome o.f Heaven to al!the world, and faveaH, would be great love in the eyes of the Saints ~ but to fave them , and condemne ochers ; to receive them , and exclude others, and that of great name and efieem, Virgins, this fees out the Lords love exceedingly; Chri!ts diHinguiiliing, feparatinglove, is his great love, c.Mat. u. 25. Obfirwt . ) ' If we confider the multitude of the one , and fewnefs; of die other ; not &a[on 1 • only in regard'of the world, but in regard of others in Churches ·, Luke 13. 24. c.Jl1.any fha/l feel(_, and many th~tt are firft, Jh~t!l be /aft , UJ{atthew 19. 30. · If 1ve confider that there is as much reafon appearing outwardly, rhat ·the Lord lhould choofe chee one as well as the other; what difference is appeariqg outwardly between rhefe Virgins ? l'le warrant you rhe wife did chink rhe fooli(h as good, and it may b.! far berrer than themfelves. J"dges 6. 1 5· Sairh G ideo, , How wilt thou fave Ifra '! by me? I am the haft i11 my Fat hers hou(e; yet faith the Lord, I wilt be with thee ; fo the Saints may fay, and do fay , Why Lord, wiltthou fave me, I am rheleafi and poore!t of all others. If we confider the reafon why the Lord cloth this, and rhat is becaufe of norhingbunheWillofGod, hisgoodpleafure; Mauh. 11. 25. For why fhould their Veifels ~ filled; they received, and not ochei:S only the Will of God; _I A:, now not you, &c. Of whicahereafcer. If we confider the intolerable torment of thofe who go far re , and yet are excluded. Mat. !>. II, I 2. {'hi!dren of the King dome caft out, tflere (h~<l! be weeping; rhe higher a man is rifen, the greater is his fall, and his bru1fes at the bo([ome ; fo when one hath been raifed up to great hopes , . profeffion, affetlion, yer now ro fall, to lofe all, to fee he hath·been fpinning Cobwebs all his life ! when Ifrae! were nearco Canaan, now to be iliut our! Now they wept. Uuu Reafon z. ,, Rei<{. 3·