\ 154 l Vfe 1. Ufe 2. The P arabJ~ of the Ten P.irgir;r, Vfe 1. we may [<e hence, what little cnufe ttn_l hflve t• h•-•fl rnlr ;, : outwnrd priviledges, or commongifts, graces, excellencies. I confcfs · ic is i great mercy for the Lord to c~ll ~ m a~ our of his prop.hanenefs, and fepa- l rare htm from the world , bnngtng htm ro the fdlowllHp of Saints , and I oive him that which makes h·m reputed wdl of by others ; bur boal1 nor j ~nly of this, as if the Lord did therefore highey· favour you ; for rhe Lord , Jefus may !hew (for all this) his love rcibis own, and his rerrour eo thee,\ and•may !hut the doo: of glory at lalt upon. th~e. r Cor. I. 27, 28, 29 . : The Lord cho•fes thmgs that are. not , tobnng'to' nought and to flaine other j! glory. Rom. 11. 17. The Gent1les boalted chemfe!ves, chat they were grnjfed in ; oh faith the Apoflle ( feeing rhis fpiric ape. ro rife) b,aft not 1 be not high-minded, do nor grow fecure , but feare ; common graces e~ l' ver make men proud , as or hers make men humble ; they defpife nor others rhey magnifie God , if the Lord harh.made a diffaence; fee the goodnef; of God, verfe 22. bur boafl: not therem; therefore do not conrenr thy felf with a name to Jive, and having fome cankered hopes, fome lhining excellencies; forrhe Lord may do this, to lhew others his love, ami vet (t;;ine \ rhy oJory; as one that harh great hopes of preferment~ many Friends eo commend and fpea~ for him, if one tells him, You !hall certainly lofe all your labour, he wr~l mourn ·more than another that h~d no hopes , no.r helps at all of nling ; he wdl nor glory m any tbUJg he ha rh , but will cake fame fRre and fafer way ; So I fay to you , If there b~ che lea(! Grace and Favour , bte!fe .God for that , but do 110t boall: of any thingelfe. Vfe 2. He11ce the Sainwmay learne hpw t• ajfefl their hen···ts with the Lords love to th!m ( for there is fuch a poyfonful difpofition in them, chat though they have ir, yet they cannot be affe&ed fomerimt:s vvirh ir ; Vp ']) "·bmth, Aw11k5 Lute and Harpe) and 'cis this; Do not only Remember, .and chink on the Lords love faving thee , · c:llliBg", humbhng , &c. butfoasrocaU thee, andleave others; roquickenchee, andkaveo1 thers dead ; to open the door of glory to thee, and excl.ude orhers ; eo call thee out of the Kingdome of the world, to look upon thee in a linful Town, to awaken thee, and leave others ( fo many ) fecure, ro call rh<!e out ·of rhy linful company'· fo.me of. which like brands , are no1v fmoaki?g in this world , others burnmg In another; eo call thee our of a linful, 1g- .norant family. thou the leaf!:, the worfl: of them, and ro leave the refl:, this·is much! But when thou arc brought into the Kingdome of Heaven , Fellowlhip of Saints, for the Lord to Joye thee, fet his heart upon thee, when he forfakes others of thy own company , of great parrs and abilities , whom thou rhinkelt better of than thy felf, at lea[! as well; ro pull down thefe Prince-s ro rhe dunghill, and to exalt thy horn; to cur down rhefe Cedars, and ro preferve a Shrnb; to tread upon the grearefl glory of man ; and ro pity a vvorm, for fo thou art in thine ovvn eyes ; Oh let this fire warme cby heart, though chou hafl: been affea:ed with it before, efpecially conlidering no re~fon for ir, bur only the good pleafure of God; this affeCted Cnrifl himfelf, Mat. II,. 25. 'Tis true , you do t~ot fee ~his done> but you l11all oqe. ~aybeh?ld it wtrh y~ur eyes; only let thts love kmdle love,rhankfulnefs, bumlltry m t~1ne hearragame. And hence, if the Lord ha eh pur a difference between thee and others, do not deny,· do not doubt of, do nor defpife his grace; that if thou halt lofl: thy firll: love, rbis may recover it ; if all his love makes thee more humble, and thankful, yo11 fland, Rom. n .•o. Ifn. 6\'. 16. Do not feare thy ------~----~----------,_~-------------------