Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

------~--------- ) 1 : Opened .and .Applied. - I 155 thy eflat e , becaufe the tord cuts off the natural branch~s , rbar . tha~~fore ~ - I rhou mayn: be one; bur be ~ear.{ul of r~e leall: fi? ; and wrong ~O> rChr.ill: , ' I rharhar.h loved Ehee, efpe.:tally of pnde, and umhankfulnefs the -toot of rhar ; and Remember , tharth~ poor things are c:hofen to confound the I Might}'. . .~ I I Tha~ /he door 'of grpce andglory {hall 6e f/m againff all wirk$.4_m~11 li• 06f(rv. i ving, atthe 'oming of the Lord to dtathor !u_dgen:ent \. there is a tirn,e tha~ J' 2 ' · the doori's o('en unto men, In regard of Mtmll:enal dtlpenfar tons C for fec:rets of eiettion we are nor ro minde) I f a. >5- 6, 7· This time is in this life; bttt wh~n death comes, then lhut; when An~els tinned,. rh~ Lord immediately thut the door againtl them; but through Chrill: rbedoor is open for rerm ?f life ro men. · ' 1 • '· Becaufe after dt tith there u no meanes of /(race or glorj l:ft; which u the .MiniflrJ of the Word and Pnqer; f or that u the chief i(sy of opening the door, euen when che doores _of hear~ and heavm are Jhut , Jl:1ar. I 1), I 9· and \ hence, 2 Cor.6. 2. Now1s the nme ~f prayers and preaclung, -and foro be, helped; bur after d~a_rb there ar~ n_o Mtntll:ers, rbey are at reil: from._their labours; al)d the Mtmll:ry of men tS for men, not fO!' naked foules. . Lqz:-11rw mull: nor give a drop of cold ww;r then ro cool_ the tongue, .!Uuch Jefs Minill:ers ro comfort or convert th_etr . hearts ; , '!l$ true , the_Lbrd.1can work extraordinarily; but do you rbi11.k he will do it for one that harJule[pifed ~~ill~~ •J f ·,.. ) i • ·EJ Becaufe it's ;mpojfible they JhouM repent t!fter death , !J1 <In] ot&r ·means (if meanes were ifforded) _M bJ feeing thfir _Jinne, 11nd feeling thrir FMI'ijhment•. , John. 9• 4- Themght cometh wherem no man can worfu becaufe afrerdearh, com~sjudgementdfwrathto thewicked, Heb. 9· u#. all patience, and pity have forfaken tl}em , and fo wrath lies upon.them ,, .d1~t they cm do nothing but bear ir ; as one \111der agreat load, or burning in the fire, all his thoughts, and affettions, and fpirits, are taken up with that ,.; and thar isallhecando, Heb,-xo.27. Sohere. : Vje r. Of Confutatioli of a viperom, fatanic.¥~ /.cretopinion, which lik! a.-ghost haunts t f:e mindes o( fome pe?ple, ( , viz:-e}1 that think and conclude even in time of hea lth, in midll: of Caving healing meanes, that their_time iof grace is paft , anddoor is lhut to rhein, b~for~ . Ghrill: comesagai(l\lthem 1 3tdearh or judgem~m ;_ whi~h· rhougb God-many _rimes rurnes fo[(1good, to humble a bold bt:arr wlnch \'VIII burne G<;>ds day-lt~ht out, and ling!!r in its finnes, yet it dorh fo!Tienmes dead the heart from all ·effettual endefo¥ottrs, anddifc:ourage rbe heart from all duties, ~akesall the Gofpel rb,;; -Minill:ry , of blood and death, and a band-writing.aga'm(t in;- and when i~ concludes God barb 11mt the door againH: ir, .it !huts God, alld Cbrill:, and all his Promi- [es out of its hean. ' · I. Some chink they having finned •gain{t ligbr , have bad fome tblafpbemous thoughts , that rhey have committed the unpardonable l ftn,&c. , z . Some oth ~ rs rh\nk nor fo, but yet they heare that fome rn~ns time i~ out before death ; they think theirs is a;lfo, having fought fo Jogg, -they ar~ even f~a!ed up by God to hardnefs ~heart; and thus fome feemingly c<;>ming toCbnll:, are indeed kept offfrom htm. ~- Otbe:s of the Saints me.:ting with many fore troubles and rtyals, and char for fomefins ; and Qne deep calling to another, they think with D avid, Uuuz G~ 'Re11[on 2, Ufe. r:.