Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I . · qpenr,d and.dpplifd, I 157 .dayes1 Joi!ah 3·9· fay they, who ran rel( b~t the_ Lord ma; repent -~ you fay the D~cree is palt, andfpoken; and _as ~P"" fard,. I have th .1 t WHneffecl. I fay againe , Who can reil, but (rf God h~d fatd fo, but ) that he may repent? ther~fore _be not difcouraged, or fame becaufe of this. Nay, 'cis mq!l probable ume 1s. . , . I: fiecaufe che 1hmgs of t~y ~·~~, ~he d1fcovery or die vtlenefs of thine own hea.rrl the glory cf Cnnltl 1s not htd ftom chme e~es. . 2 • 0 -(;od .;:al s chef! qow tc;> returne; .\\'hen ]11d"b.had bamthc Da1nd, and they might{bink He will not rece.ive \IS; yer when David f::nc by his MeffengeJs, why do you not bring the King back_ ! 1 •m fl•fh of )Wtr j.'efh ; then rhey all were encouraged eo hope for favour , z Sam. I 9· 12, r4. So, . . · . 4 . Cottjid, r, 1f chou dq!l return, rh: ume of love IS fo farre from being pa!l, as chac it is rhen come indeed unto chy fouL ob;ea. l1t<t mr fin u gmu! .Anjw. Suppofeicbe ! lafphemy of Chrill, nay, murder of the Sonne of God; yet A Efs 2. 3l:i. when Petr; preached l<.epe;, to bfe, they rhac oladly received cbat word, who mtgl:ir be mfirumenral ro crucifie Chri(t, ~ere rece rved. Oh but my heart is bard! H•fea to. IZ. breJk UJ? your fallow around, &c. 'Tis time, faith he, &r. obje&. But I have refu[ed to returne, and have not bun ajlwned! .A"'jw. Y~~ , Jer. 3· · 3, 4, 5· Wt}f thau npt ftum thi< time cry t o mc>?&c-. . ; ' ObJt:et•., 1i11t l m.~J_ returne t~ tlu J,urd •: and- ' he refufe to utttrne to""· .Anf-W. No, Jer. 8. 7· S.htt./1 hf fall, atulnot ari{r.? jh~tlt the L•Td tNrn AW~, ttfld ttPt ntitrn r W~y"t.h~tl is he fallen perpetually; ~het " t~afon is given , No man [atd, what have I done , how I deJPil{d 'fJ ndJ tgrilo< ~ the Stork_ k_mws h.'r [1!!9/.,; bl!t;' l\Cfl. thelrud keep you fromdafhingy(!lur felves in, pieces here , ai1d mak.~ rhis a Wqrd ~f.ChriHs-· 4ncour~gemen;t to th<;~, · n 1 •ot ' . . . I ~ .. ,·' '.i • Vfe 2.. Of Exhortation unto all meH, mttodelar your makjng peace t»ifh Uje :a. God; for when you are dead, the gate is lbut; and if Angels lbould cry to have it open_ed, tpey l11all not be heard. ' · ' 1 •"' ·l You rhaf are young, rak~; warning this day, do 1:_ot think there is time enough hereafter: You thacareold, do not thmk ttroolare, or , thac 1t IYould be a lb ~!Tle fo~ y6u cp, begin now , who have p.ropt up yo·ur. ..hearts wirh bafe comforts ; you that have been (lirred, bur are ·now fain aOeep.j b:t.- ware of dying> inyotJ r- dir£hes., andpir.s, wherein you are fain ; you mt1lt Hand before God lbordy. Though you never repented yet, &c. never was · in b'inernefs, MVer had al)y great mour~ting, &c. never . knew the ·life of , Chrifl, peac~ o~ confcience, neverfeluthe Kingdome, andmightyp.ower of Chrift, yer defpaire nor, for )!e~ there is hope; burif once dearh comos, then rhou arc gone ; ir is day yet, . and.Chrill holds open bis win_gs yet; bur ' if d~arh.comes, his time is our. Obje8:. But I havttz fa ire tirne _ret b((ore me. Ar.fw. 1 . Itmaybenot, forrhouait condemned already. 2. If you b;~ve, yet wil_tahufe patien'e, and forbearance of God?1vfttcie~ · • fpife what leads thee to rep.entance! as ;t man finkin", fpits in the fa~e of him char holdsup his Head; wiltthoubeworfu than~devil? Objettion. 11ut a lirtle 'f't.pentaiJce wilt ferve rht ru·rne , 'tu quitfkJJ l one? · , An[rvtr. Oh no ! as Paul faid, l ht~v!' fought a goo4 fight; thou haft lins