Oferv. I. The Parable ofthe Ten Virgins, fins as dear as -thy life to forfake; thou hafi Devtls, World to wrefi le with; nay , God himfelf to wrefi!e wnh ; you <annot runne your Race m . a ·day. ' j Obj~a. what if 1be (bur out? A nfw. Hay no more but only what Solomon faid , Trov. 5· u, u, q. ; 0 how have I hatedrqroof! thatlhallbethywofuldirgeanotherday,when \ ·J1,ut out ; oh never t0 have one look, one word from Chrilt, but ro fee him i afar off, eh is !hall be thy fearful portion hereafter. Truly we may cake up I' rhat_ compla~nt of ChriH , You 'can difcerne rae times of the Weather,not ChnHs commg. . . -----------~--------... ----- VERSE II, I!. Afterward ctr.me alfo the o:her Virginr , faying , Lord, Lord , Bpm smtom. . But he ttnfwered, and [aid , Vtrily I fay unto jou, I i(,no".JP!'not. ' ) IN thefe two Verres, isfet down th.e ente~tainment Chri!t gives unto -the 'fooliih Virgins_, and his,_ be~aviourroward them; _and ~hads, he did not own them as hts, bu~ fatth, I k._now you not. . Thctr mtferable rejeeiion is aggravated from rhefe particulars, !hewing their mifery. I. The note of certainty ofthis, VerilJ, &c. . ' z. Thou~h they came afterward to rbe Lord, (it is-not faid, with -their Oyle in their Veffels, &c. ) ' 3· Though rhey prayed to-the Lord ro open when· they came. 4- Though they prayed earnefily;• Lord, Lord. 5. Though they fought thus with ~rguments , Lor_d,_'Lord , as if rh4 ihould'fay , Thou art our Lord and Savtour, we look for hfe from none but rhee, That after the · coming of Chrift to deAth or judgement , thm {hall thofe \ whoAre moft fer:re[ly wir:kf_.ed, kzrowr:ertainly that the gate isjhut, ~tnd their exclu(?un,andfi,alf~parstiGn ji·om the face of Chrijl. 1 .!IhHefooli!b Virginshadfomehopes and affurances of mercy, whiles ' tbeiBridcrgroom ,l'ltaS.abfentin their life; fo men have in . ~his world fuch bbpes ;. but when Chrifi came, and lhut the door upon them , then they knew '· ~h~ir miJ'erable con~[rion. , . 'This:Jife is"'oinpareduntoafleep,anddreame, Tfalme 90. ~-wherein ) men underHand and conceive of things with falfe Qaapes ; fo here ; bm when they awaken' then they appeare·otherwife ; after deatl) men are awakened' •and then ,they fee things as they'are; the Parable of the rich man, Lukt r6. 1 1 'proves thts. I • . B~caufe then God lers in a new light, mofi full and cleare , eo fee and r· know·things as the.y are, and fo to know themfelves and their eftates ; ic is \ ' an A.theilts fpeech, [ cclef. 9. 5, 7, Io. That the dead k._now not any thing; I and hence, beasmerryasyoucan, eattbybreadwithjoy, &c. No, now I .. . they do know, &c. asrheSaintsknowtheirerernal acceprarion; by a mofl 1 .glorious light; God walks darkly here, but then this full light lhall come in; , .t>s it is with a ma11that is eo be condemned , before he be ca!t, the Judge · . brings