Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

/ Opened and Applied. brings in full evidence; fo Heb• . 9· ult. After death cometh l~'~J..r;em(nt; there is full evidence ; wheq Ad11m !lood before God, th~ Lord fully convinced hi,m; when death comes, then t~s:r; is an end of mens Srew~<rd{hip.r, Lukg 16. 2. and when an end comes eo rpe,t, what comes then .1 Come give up thy account; now thole .w.hofe reckonings are naught mufi either deceive and blinde tbe all-fearchwg eyes of Cod , and fo not be found out , 1 9r they Dull fee wherein they have been fairh!efs and falfe. vVhaJ is fpoken of rbe general J u?gemenr., is true alfo of this part icular ; .it is tpe day of R!!- l velarion; God hunfelf w11l now cleare up matt~rs as Chnfi here dotb, Veri- {:', I k.;.ow;orrnot. Becaufe then the foul will to know, and have kifure to fee and ! know ir felf; as th~fe , foohlh Virgins , their fouls were looking ( in a fort~ in their l ife-time for Chrift , but now they look and fee indeed ; fome kqow / not themfe!ves, though having light; nor their prefent !llifery , becaufe t hey not ro know; and hence re flea nor up.on chemfelves according to light now; or if they defire fo eo do, yet they have not leifure ; the noife l and multitude of cares , keeps them from a cleare knowing of their ellares : but now men !ball be brought to rh~ Land of f9lirarinefs . , ancltball have lei1ure to fee, having Gods light let in to fee by; there /hall then' be no bulinefs, but only to confider, Who am I ? and what have I dope? men Dull have no Cities to build, nor bufinefs to do, as F£lix tpen , and hence put out the lighr. E.e.rf. 2. Becaufethenconfcience isthrougP!yawakened, becaufe i,c is a time en '1\§a[. 3· judgement now ; and if fo , then the witne!fes mull appeare ; though they have beenfilent long before, they /hall be forced to fpeak. Now it is wonerful to fee what confcience will fpeak when Gpd awakens it ; men many times will not fee the evil which r4ey have done ; but confcience will m~ them fee it, nay, confefs 1t, wbe~ 'tis awakened. Three thin~ confcieuc<! will do, when it is aw.akened. · , . , 1 · r. It will !hew a man his chief fins, which he defended, w,hich he el'- tenuated, which he never fufpeCl:ed ;' Thcf c thipgs ha:i tf1ou 49'"· "· It can bring frelh to memory fins forgohen , fleighted , <{cad and b_y" ri~d, agreatnumber, allof themasifnewdone. 'foh;z4.29.all tpjngsthft ever I did. . 0• It can, and will<iggravate all thefe things and lil(ls, and P>efent them •n the greatnefs of them , that mens mouths lha;ll pafs their own Sentence upon them, as Cain did; thatlet all rhe world yer[wade them their , cafeis good , they cannot believe it; now rh,is we fee in this life i1;1 fome ; ~ut when life is ended, then rhefe rh\ngs lhall,be <i..~f'!d much more~jvely, Pfal. so. :ir. I will rep>·ove thee; even9f whatthey ~bought Go<!l did approve .; -:nd I will fe.t them in ord<r, in their n~mber a!Jd ,greatn~fs before thy ~ye~; z. e. of confc1ence; all fallhooG!s, deceits, loathfome rncks, ·&c. I did this and that,but I had rhefe ends in them , and I harboured thefe fins by them, will confcience make men fay. Becaufe now Satan, to whore cu!lody the foul is committed , appears t0 'R.._eaf. 4 . the fqul, and it fees it fdf in his hands. The btlilf1ypocrite js never deli,vt:red out of the hands of Satan and his power; pe will eitbeir k~ep conitanr PC:Ile~on; or if nor, yet he will rerurne againe; .now he will not appear il) this nme of peac~ to the foul, becaufe diere ,is .yet ,hope ; but after de at]!~ then hope is paft, and therefore then he appeares:; .for as che fouls of the EleCt: are carryed ~o Heaven by Angels, and blelfet) among them ; fo e contra,