.. J6:l Vfe 3· The Parable of the Ten Pirginr, - l to Altar he went , &c.. but f;mnd nothing; Thus here , &:c. I 2 • By covering them.wuh dunes a:1d farrows, and yet keeptrg them; ! for when'men do fee their fin , and 'm great , what c'o they therefore~ they 1~aih it with teares; they confefs it as. thofe, /fa. 5s. S'; 6. they fafr j forHnfe or debate; theywouldbevexed wah enraged ccnfctences but •f4)r chefe duties ; and thts makes them hope well ; and her-e come in chofe l difiin&ions , I bave fins as others, but I mourn under them ! oh but Re- ~l member,. chofe farrows deHroy fin by linle ar:d little and do not feed fin; bnc thefe eafe thee 'in thy fin ; Hofea . Io. 4· 'Hemlock_ gr•wes ''P. in the Furrow:s ; you fpenk_ words , fatth cbe Lord , &c. so· here, &c. I Secondly, When men are willing the Lord ihould lee them fee their 1 1 fin, bur unwilling to attend him in the ufe of all meanes for that end ; efpecially chefe two. I. Diligenrwacch over the h~art daily, by freqoenc refle&ing upon its own atl:s ; it's flrange eo fee what difcoveries ll:lighc be made by obfervin!) _ends, aimes, motives of ~orkings ; Jience Chrill b~jts much upontnts. 2. Daily Meditation in fome fole.mn manner. 2 Tim. 2. 7. Confider whftt I fal; and the Lord jhKil ' gtve tluc nnderftf1nding ; 'Tis a thoufand to on~ jf ~en ~o n_ot lofe themfelves, and fouls in negleCl: of this. Hag. I. o;; ·f. Dav•d fa1d, I c•nfidered my wayes, and t11rned, Now to fay, Let tljleLor<lfearch me, but not to ufe me:ms, is to lhur your eyesagaintl the book, and fay , Now Lord reach me. ' ' .Of f.xhortlltion \1 Oh th:T~fm. k_n~ , the_wiJrft sf .JOUr ~~~ beaits now. Ph1l. 2·: rz. Work o1tt j ouf'JalvJitrm _w,tb feare : Satnts With a feare of careful fearch, bur you much more. Gen. ·z7. I I, 12. Wherl Rifbcccah would have JacolJ ~o tb J[iurc, {aich faco6, what if fi<J Father f ee! me! 1 m'!l. get a curfe then. So rhe Lord Jefus ( believe ic ) will feel rhee; he mt( fee who tbotl arc , before he'!et thee i:rito Heaven ; if thou arc a firanger to thy tin , and Chrifi, and hisgrace, mou iha1t fee the gate ihut upon thee hereafter; therefore know it now bow 'ris with thee; nothing will be fuch a cur to rhy heart as this , v izo. when 'tis roo late to fee the fin which ruined; oh this will rorment! as it cloth Politicians, when they fee, There :1: for(ook a Rule of Policy, there 1wasmiltaken ; if I had carried the buli.nefs otherwife there , then I had got this ; oh ic trouble~ them ; fo it will do you , when you {ball fee your ProjeCts and Hopes daiht. . ~eft. How fha/l I k_nowthu? Anfr~. 1. Mark whatoth~·rs, godly, 'and difcer~ing, fpeak, orfear co~ C(:t:ninz thee ; for though God reveals not a HJpocnce ro all, yet 'us feldoln 1 butltis ro fome or other. I Tim. S.· 2~, notlpeakagainfl, yet not give a; full Tellimony. I z•. Mark what confcience fpeaks, or fear~s thee with in cool blood, _wirh~u~ getting thofe . feares. quencht by freib Appli~ation of Cbri!li blood; \ It's fafd, The feares of the wicked lhall come upon h1m; there are fome hot pangs which men have, and then think well of themfelves, but generally . live out'from God ahd Chrift. Mark which way the fcale 'rurnes , when you are fiill; the 1vorme that is not killeq, will f\naw far ever , if it bire~ _I)O;· Mark what trou6t~d thee when affiietions were upon thee; .then ·<;:od manylit,nes convincec& men of folly ; when Benjamins fack bad the Ct1p , The Lord bath found o1tt pur iniquity, faid they, Gen. 44· 16. So fon;e , evtls