166 Ufe 3· The Parable of the Ten Virginr, that yo~ are alive to do ir. I know the Lo~ci is f0und of them that leek him not; bot he will make youfee k, tha t to he may be found ; fcek the refore in rime now, before it is too late. "· Do not fay the·Gate is lhut; no, 'cisyet open , and that bv the bloo:l" of a Mediatour, He6. I o. I9, 2o . So rhat when you ohj~.:t God hears nor . fihners, yet Zach. I 3· I. there u yet a fwntain opened , for t dwt~jh inf.;r fin and U>Jclem>pef!e; aU-dJy fins cannot 11JUt it, becaufe 'tis opened ro 1n /h a- ' way fin . .. . , ~ '· ,3, Do n ot fay, ~f I had a part in Cbrilt, I could then be encouraged ro , ask. I pray what think you of rhat Woman of Sam11ria , w'hen Chrilt i fpake, If thott did.ft k_now and Mk_ , he would givethee livint;; JMt crs ; What : did the poor,Woman of Cant~an do, when Chritl: himfe lf told her , She was 1 a Dog , and h_ad nothil?g to do vyirh Ch <Idrens bread ; when you ! have no ·Promife t~ allure you the Lord w1l:I give ; yet . the g!orious~boumy , and nches of grace , , may encourage you fuflicienrly ro feek. . 4· Do not fay, . But it may be I !ball be denied, let me pray never fo lqng; I know you are wonhy .to be denied., and as you have cried rhe Lord lhould not heare, and as you have abufed grace , ir lhouJd cry aoainfi you , why lhould you ~arrel ? the Lord owes thee not ltrawes; but ye~ Remember the Parable of the unjult Judge, who heard a ·1t oman, a ltran<>er ~hen i~po;cunate ; a~d this _i~ found. ,a fure t~;urh; 'cis ~i rh al_l men pr~y: I' tng,as 'ns Witb twomen m traYalltng, .either their pangs will dell'-:er them •of their burden , .apq fo they live, or elfe rhey will be their deach ; if they ceafe, and give over, rhen they die. Prayer will del iver you of your fimies , I unbel ie£, or wbate'ver lt~nds between Chrilt and you; or if noc, they lhall <he, and perilh. Sow your fc:ed of Prayer, · it will mult!ply if it be :che right feed, untill your Harvell: he great, and yout -gain unknowt~ ; fecuricy will mr on a.Hypocrite, before he gees ~he ble!Iing, and the cares of the world wi ll choak his prayers. · ...) 1 5· Ohchereforefollow theLord; Ho[e11 6. 3,4. You fha/l k.._now him; z"f youJ;ollow on to · kpow him ; efpecially if you be truly wounded, though he bath been a~~ L\Qn to you; Is Chrifi fo glorious, his prefence fo fweer ,' his Kingdom~; fo great, his mercy fo rich, his Inheritance fo full , and wile not thou pray, awake one houre ? bath 'Chrifl: bought mercy wirh his blood, and wile not rho.u fpill thy blood.? nay, nor fpare and fpend chy poor prayers ro beg it , (it may .be praying ~ime is declining apace ; and fo.get it; and by that meanes hear Chnlt Jefus fay, Come , oh come thou blefl:, that hall: been praying, weeping, following me, and take rhy I Crown, and fit down on my Throne; oh it will be a cut to chink, Had lfougbr j' it, lhad had irt Pfal. z4. · . Of Thankfulnefs' ro the Saints, thflt the L ord bath gi·z;en them hearts to feek.. the Lord in !1 finding time, Pfal. 32. 5, 6. Time was thou couldll: not pray ; but the Lord bath ,found thee out , and ltirred up unutterable groanes here, ,and ·all rby groanings have not been hid from the Lord. , . Objecl:. ' But mll».J pr11y and finde not ; how fhnlt I kJ,ow .J have I. fou~d? · '' j . Anfw. Whe11 the fpirit of prayer1 not the gift of prayer harh carried rhee, 1 . '1\gm. S. 27. ~eft. How foal! I k_now that? 1 Anf wer, r. It is nor fervency. 2. Nor looking eo Cnrtfi and !• his Mercy. 0. Nor Arguments that are evidences of th1s Spirit; for l thele