Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

------------~~----~~~----~--~--~~--~----- ! ., Opened and Ap'plied. thefe· the foolifu Virgins had. But I tball Jl1ew it i'n thret; Deio rees. · · " Firft, Obferve what is the utrnoft end in prayer , and fo hlirh t'een in all thy prayers; it is c(,:rtain all the prayers of unregenerate men, though enlivened witb fome common gift of the S?int, are ever for rhemfelves; if any outward cala:'nity befalls th!m, they then pray, Pf-,l. 7S. But it Is as ',oh,forthemfeb;es, becaufe rheplague is upon ,tthem; if the WGrd meets wirb cbo:m·, and troubles them, their prayers (if fervem ) -are only for eafe; when their bones are bro.kc, 'ris for peace and comfort ; and 'if lj they de!ire grace, 't •s for peace-fake; if they have peate for d~<! prefen~, !: and fee l blit:dnefs, har:dnefs of hearor, _rhey think thcfe will damn them; and ence f•lvanon and deltverance from mtfery, ts the utmoH end ttky :hm at; and fo in all their prayers; tee men Hudy t heir hearts, and they lhl ll fee he ~<felve~the mark they [hoot at, and the God they ferve, and Idol they worihip in ~ll their prayers ; and do you think rbe!e {hall be heard? No, no; t' ut s~ints they look not at lhefe things chiefly , b~t their utmoll end is another thing ; ac firll: converfion it is much felf, but it rttrnes in time ro higher end~; &c. and chat is, what though I have peace, lalvatlon, thefe loa<:es. bctt yeM1ils af Chrift himfelf, and r-he life of Chr:{t, ro live by h! tn, and live ·to him, wh,ich is our l ~H end!_ '2 Cor. 5· I 5' ' An4 here all hts pr"yets end, though crooked many wayes; elfe thefe are the prayers of that Spirit of life, whtchisevernearcl; and hence 'Tames 5· 3· ·:r-e .uk._and have not, bec.tufe ;e .uk_ to ffrend it on 7•ur lufts. 1ra. )il. ) . though they aHedaoopFayed, -'jf!{ it was for firif1: -wrd ddme; me S:dn-."TToi1- ro defiroy their lulls ; and hence, though all fervent prayers are not of the Spirit, yet all prayers of the Spirit are ever fervent, though exprefi with .::hacterings, mournings as Doves, b~caufe the la!l end bath a mighty force with it; and hence waiting on God in al~ meanes for Anfwers, follows J and ence, prayers of the Saints are wdlefs, Appetitsu fi,i< eft injinirsu ; hence Rhm. it 2j· life in heaven. is hisScop~, and b1= is~p.ngingfor- it 1 glad-F, l chit time {for ailprayi!rs of H)'P6'fritesrre but i!liles1 of~lf-ib've ) afd all dcca!iong dobut l)uitke1n llQ ch~t princi_Fie; fo all fhe prayers ' of 1:he Sl[nrs_ rife fr~rri the!~irit offoVt: ~SI <fod, an~,faith in'htm, R~m. ?: 2(p '28. The Sonhke Sptrrc , ot Sptht of Adorooh , not ferv1le , IS W chett.. · 16"' ( Seco"dly, If the 'foulr.eceive .anyching from the lord thus p,r~ying, 'ci~ exceed;ng thankful ; the Spi ri t of Cl\ rift, wheh':,ver it is, $1orifie~ ' cpriJI ~ 1 {oh;z I6. and Pfal. n6. r. and that in time 'of peace; hence Pfa<Wt 56. I4, I 5· Ojftr to God. thank.Jy/v.ing_, and _p>~ · thy voil'es, and thn;ca!lfho,gh in time of trou/;te , -'"';J I wdl heare. FQr'the .Lord fO beqin 'ro 'do rhe foul ~ 1 .• Cl any cood, andJb~\v , it its' n;.itery, (he wb'~h <;>f tlf f.otd Jefu~ ',L'.t-o gi11e hin1 , any~~~tt to 'leek, , t'o],rV'e htm anyho;:,r.: , rooivebtm the lea,G. bhmt .. b~ any W?rd' of iner y; bl;f it'S be:rrt melfs. tit frt_o~a be dms ) _and \~oJcfets_ ',bur tQ I thtnk, nay, ro fee rhetord hathaMwered htm ! . oh tbts fw~ll ows him up~ , makes him give all ro the Lord,. as Hmmah di<j., 'whe!J /he_ ha? br rr Childe, 1 1 Sam. 2. I, 2, Ef~u loH the bleffing; tho1.1zb he begged tt wtclt tear>; he bad apropbane; he~rrthud•i_not efteelU it indeed, /andfowoul4nt'.Y~r hay)! .1 •1 ·~~\ ., l been rhankfot 'for 1 ~ h pbor ]' aco6 gets it, though ~e had ,bur a natt ro holil l hirnbp. ',, t 'r., 11 -;, •I ' 'P ' Third 'y, If ir 'r~cei~e nbtanfwer, it mournes, 1aw.noatbs ~~ ~~f511j(\Lti1-i¥ God~ ~iv~s .lll to him:;1 pray~rs 'f.t;on; 'le~f-)-oaHung ,, are noi: p.r~¥~tr \Jilri~~ ~of11et't9~ felf-love' fl'jal. n. 2_,! :l>t4· Z.toh. 12. ;:o. Pf4,- o72. In :rt(ete t:h~ Spit~'t d1vells in the poor anGJ <Q~trife; an8' tbeir cries a,re heard'; _w.ben tne'n pray, and~n.t, and are quiet without wi~ing they could la- 1 , ment, ,_