168 The Parable of the Ten Virginr, mept, 'tis not from the Spirit; oh therefore cry here if 'tis thus · as he \ faid to Hooekjah , 7 he Lord hath henrd thy <ries , and feen thy uareJ; and oh wonder at the Lord , that he lbou!d give thee a heart to j ~~ I ! Reproof to Saints , Who though :eceive~ and heard, yet think the !' Ufe 4· Lord regards rhe'tn not ; . and as Davtd , rhmk hts mercy is lbur up. 1. Remetnberformernmes, Pja/.77· 7· Your experiences of the Lords \ pitying thee in thy blood_, and he will nor calt thee off now. 2. Confider the Riches of grace; when you cannot find any thin<> palt bur I what might caufe him ro loath thee, yet the Lord may then love,when th~u arc lamenting thy vilenefs, Ifa. 6 3· I 5, I 6. I 3. Confider the Lord cloth purpofely feem to dif-regard thee fomerimes; not ro lbut out prayers, but to make you pray better; not that you lbould not pray at all, Judg. I6. ~o. but to make you ~eek, and follow him, thougl\ in the dark. Lam. 3. 45· With 5 i· m a /;vzd of p1ts; eye bath not fm: what God hath laid up for ]M. 4· Confider there is as much in the Lord to move him in rhy worll eflarerohelprhee , as in the befl, (viz...) hu mmy, Pfal. 6. 4· You fay , If my heart was not fo vile , if I had not commirredfuch fins the Lo~d might ! this is as if you faid, :The Lord thews ~or pity only fo~ his mercy, &c. ' ' ' " i k,~>~~w Jo~ ' mt. ~ 1 ,·._ WOrds of fence in Hebrew, b~rp and ' fignifie al:fe61:ion' alfo; · the pr_incipal al:fe61:ions, are Love; and Hatred. I, 'Love, Pfnl: I,11lr, _ John 10. 14. 2. Hatred, . Ho{ea,7. 2. Revel. 8. I 2. In this place ruch knowledge is mea'nt, which barn {he affeaion of love joyned with ic ; fo that 'tis as if Chrifllbould fay, I love you not , I delight nor in you , my heart is not toward you , whatever_good words you give me , · and , how ever"youf hearc is toward me, or you have rhcughrs of me ; And this : ,~~ r~e gr_dr"QJifery of fqol~lb Virginl.· · 1 , That "it iJ a ,mofl heavy and dr~adfu~ '!1ifery not to 6e bel011e~ , mt t.o be ' Obferv. 3· - 'k__nown of.'{efm Chrifl; for now when the Tables are turned, .and the Stage 1 ispull'd down, and the Foolilblbut our, and when Chrifl: himielf l')'ould give them a·doleful Anfwer, exprefs in words their woe', he couch'erh it under thefe; I 'k,_now yo11 nut. I do nor fay that men do feel it fo, bur it is fo, ' and at lalt it will be found fo. Thl~ may appear, if we ~onfider thefe particulars. . . _ If you confider the exceeding greatnefs, and glory of hts place, and per- : Conjidernt.I. [on; He 'is exalted, and feta:nhe right hand of God, upon the Thron_e of his Father, and his Dominid'ns reach from fea to fea ; .he is King of Kmgs , and Lord of Hoa~ts pf Angels1 &c• . l'h-.t. 2. 9. , A Ntune a6ove ever! 'Nanl; lfe'.1fl_ath; at1Cf'G'8d ~ach Fv;rotne ';, To pim . fha/~ . every one ~ow. Now ~eing· thus great, and n~t to. ~'e ~~.o~ea of fu;~ a o;1e11s ~eavy; If yv.e want the love ,o'f _poor ffi'l!,lip 1and· ~-le I~o~l!: _!pmts, lf 1s no fuch n:acre,r ? but to lofe grearones favoyr ~ efpec'Ially'tf?{e , depend upon rhem m hfe and !I ' / ~ • goods,