goods, peace and honour', this is bitter; hence 2 Thef. I. 9 . from the glory · \ of hupower. ' • ' If you confider the terrour of the wrath of God for rime ro come. If 2,Conjlderat, I a man be abrnad in the Fields from home, and no fiormes; nor colds , nor heats a'ife to hurt him, a iliel ter would not be fo much prized , nor the fofs of it great ; but if there be fuch , and then to want i_t , and to lie open to the in;ury of all ~e1rher~ ·; no·:v lt IS a w~e to wa·1t It: So I fay to you, I .men tb.u are abroad m the Wide Fields of rh Is 1vorld, and gone from home, if rbere Jhould never be mifery, bm you might eat your bread, and or-ink I your win<: with a merry h~art, and rejoyc~ in your Wives · , and _r.llere rhen fhould be no knowledge of any rhmg afrer death , as rhof~ EpK"Ure; j fpake , £eel<{ 9· the _Love of Chri!l would. nor be fo, fweet ;· but there I will b~ flormes, fcorchmg h~a ts that fhall burn, and never be quenched, there will be colds which fhall blafl all your budds, and b!offomes, and j beauty, &c. _Now to have no love of Chrill: to rake your 1 fdf to, · as to I a fi1etter in thefe rimes , is very heavy ; hence Ifa. ~ 2. 2. Ch>ift typified l by He<:.ekjah, Hull be a iliad~·.v in a weary Land, w~ich is fpoken to ilieiv die · fweemefs of h1s love,and their b!effednefs that have him to fly ro; and h"nce their woe who want him. It is faid, Gen. 6. 8. Noah f9und gr.tce in Gods tyer ; not in rhe eyes of men ; for before rhe Flood came, they did not fl:e i·c fuch a favour , for to have an Ark; but when rha-r-came, and they fl ed• 1 I from Houfes to Trees' from Trees to Mountaines' and waters beaeath' i and above prevailed , .now they faw it fometh ;ng to finde favour in the eye.s· of God , and their woe to want it. c...Mofes dies, w~>ndering at the happinefsof the Saints, inre~ard of ~his, Dcut. '33. 26. and ult. The eternal God is thy refuge; he fore-fees flormes, he preferves from miferies above head , [o as they cannot touch the heads of the ·Saints ; if .fo be they do fall, yet ~hey cannot fall ~o . low.' but underneath are hi~ armes ; ~s ' :a, Child whtch Hands alone·, tf tt be 1n danger to fa_ll , and ochers cry oui: ", pray take heed, I have my_armes fay they, uilderit ; hence ,<.M•(es dyetp , with this word, Qh Ifrael wlo u !ills unto. thre? happJ art thou! then wo to thofe who want this ; there is not one man living , but he iliall meet with extremities, which iliall ma•ke heart aud fpirits to fail~, and the pew- ! ers of heaven iliall be l11aken ,; every-thing may forfake you, but ChriHs love; (but if that alfo doth, wo then ~o y0u . \ If you confider the po~ver which this privation of love bath to damp I all joy and mirth in all thmgs prefent; ir invenomes, and puts a fling and f poy!on in all bleffings, and makes comforts torments ; to have all b!ef- !fings, and all priviledges, andnot to have Chrifls love with them, is to l luve a fnue, a trap, a !tumbling block, and a Recompence, &c. R•m.: I I I. 9. Men regard not wrath to come ; but confide: of this, thy bleffings are woes, curfes; and you iliall one day cry, Wo ts me that eve r I was, i ot that ever I had any bleffing! Suppofe a man D10uld be enriched ,with : bagsof Diarr:onds? hung with chaines of ·gold, fare deliciou!1y, but con- : demned to die, this would damp all. Pharaoh had a Houc will, c..M•(es ~ tells him, Exod. 9. I6. For thi.r C4':fe God had r.<i(ed him up to fh :w hu : power upon ·him ; one would have thought it iliould have pull'd him ; from his Throne , and made him l ie in the duft ; . it didnot , becaufe ' God had hardened his hem ; fo·would this, if the Lord had not hardened i yours. . , . ' Hence we iliall fee Satnts, when theY. he under f.llfe fea res , only of ! Jofs of love ; thofcvery things which are'moftfweet ,_are made moH bitter. i Pfal. 77. ~· I remmabred God, and WM troubled; but what think you of ·\ thofe that be not indeed loved , it is enough ·to bring down the moH I y - ~~