Ufe I , / The Parable of the Ten Jl irgins, I · merry hi::arr , and higheH looks for rhe prefepr ; whar are my friends mine enemies ?is there none ro comfort me of all my Lqve rs ? ' If you confid~r thefweetl}efs !:if this Love of Chrif!. l' ie inftan(:e on· ly i~ppeparri~!ll ; r, CZ'_fal. 6,. J• Cant , 1.3. TheE ieC):, 1vhen they are gJqnfi.ed, apd I'Wh Chnfl, what /hall b:: mort !:;)Vll1vng I Pth~:ir eyes f what lh~ll fl'!allqw up rpc:ir thoughts mo!l:.? oh the love of C:lirill-, his free love! why tpould I be a~cepr~d,belov~;p ! oh that ever rhe Lord lhGu!d call: hi's eye.~, and fer his hear: upon fuch an out-ca!l:! Hen1=e,praife of rhe Riches . of Qrace, Efhef. I. IS the Wfr/z.of Heaven. Now robe cafl 0JJt of rhis lpv~. will, muflix: exceeding bit,terto the fotJl; hence Vv/.ar . 7· 2 :;. I never- l(_nrw 7~u, yyi!l be daggers ac the ·heart, or the Hone upon rhe graves ~pouch, whtch lh~ll ~ormenc for ever. Jf you conliderrh<: narureof this 1'/ant, oruegarion of Chri!l:s love, whar it i$. . I· Degree, Is for Chri!l: nor to h.we fo much as one purpofe, or tbou c h~ of peace and good eo chem , nor ro pur rhe le afl Ch~racre r of rheir nJ ~es in che.Book of life ; char is ~he firfi degree and foun~;tin of all o: her; G o4s love, 'I er. ·29. 9• · ' , z, Degree, Is nor to fpeak ope )'lord of peace at)d love eo a man, no abfoluce promife of life eo tp{:nl; Pfalme '50. 16. Th;:y have norhino ro do to tak.J Gods Covenant into their m•11ths ; thofe promif~s which ~omforc ;md fupporc che hear~s of the Saincs agaivit ·all lit,Js, all mifcries , belong noo.uw> eh~ m. ' . ~ ' Dc;gree , ·,N'9~ to fuffep for them , noi: to lhed one drop of bloodfor rhc;i1 lives, 'foh , 17. g. fq rhacall [heir !in~ mt~!l: lie upon them, eo bear and an(l'/l!r for. ' 4· Degfe\, Nor ~Q QO rhe lea!l good for rhem ; good things they have l;lut chroljgh the~r flp§, ~nd Cbri!l~order~ng of ir, are not good for them: bu~ tbey are rhc;rCi! i)y {itte<J by patience for defiruaion. i 5· D~ree, Not eo acc~p't any thing which they do to him; cheir facriblfeS ang pr;~yers ar~ fins , Mn/. 1. I h11ve no plea[ ure in /""'· p. P.e_.gr~e, Nor eo pity them in rime of their trouble , buc eo lauoh a~ tl:lei!" Calamity , and eo rejoyce in rheir Ruine , and eternal ovgr- ' throw ;. ChriH !Pall get glory f(om them then, whom they defpifed fo long before. ' This may lee us f~;e , whac caufe all the people of God have eo be a bun- ~ d:mcly facisfied with.the lov~ of Chrifi; che.hearc of .man is naturally like Ehe raging fea, never quiec, if the leafi windes do bur a rife; rhe Saints may have unmortifilld affeetions, and <\re very apr upon rroublefomc cemprarions eo be difquieted ; the Saints are compared to che Apple of Gods eye ; . ~nd we know little things will trouble much chere; ic's becaufe in lolfes and I forrows which befall tbemfefves, and in beholding the mJci nefs and folly cfl orhers, they are very apt eo look upon the anger of che lord in them fo: their fin, which others ufually do 1\or. Oh confider, is it fuch a mifery. ro lofe Cbrifls love? and have you a h1are in ic? oh rhen be rhankful for 'ir , and concenced with it. When Chri!l: was to depm from his Difc ip!es , {oh. 16. 22. you {hall firrow; buc whac dorh he leave wirh chem ro q"i~ r l \ chem ? I will fee you aga~ne, rh~t mou:n now for Iofs o~ my pretence ;I Whac elfe? doth he promxfe rhern norhmg elfe? truly rhac xs enough. Vl:'hen \ Dnvid looked upon the pro(periry of the wicked:, and char they il10uld ;cever fee light, .Pfal. 49• 15. with 19. But God will redeem m; foul tfom \ the grave, nor from croubl.es, and he will receive me; Some read it, For \ _________ h_e_h_~_h_n_u_w_•_d_m_e_;_h_o_ch_m _ ay_~ __ nd--fo_g_er_h~_r_,_a_nd_r_h_is_w~·as_e_n_cu_g_h_!o~h~im_.~rr~~