Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened and Applied. . . If a Traveller have lo(l his w.1y, and not co:ne hone w his journeys end, he m.1y b~ very wdlunquier; bur 1vnen he is come to the end of his jour- . ney, and can Z? no furrhe_r, rhen.he fi rs down, and lives there, and would nor go b.1ck agame , efpectally rf he confiders how many are our of .door;, and under rempefls, he may now blefs God; they have a ih!!lter ; So if the Lord had neve r revealed his.grace to you in the Gofpel, anil . you were nor yet drawn by ir, no: drawa to it, but were loft in your fins, or felves , or world, and had m!feries upon you, th ~n you m1 glu be unqu iet; but now \\'hen laid 'in the bofome of Chrill, when fu~k , n;; rhe breafts. of the grace of Chrifl, ·when yo~ can go no furcher though thou were in Heaven_, for ;here's no other· happmefs there ; Now lie .fl1ll cnntei;Jted , and be glad of ,rh !s , as underrhy Vine and fhadow ; efpecially c~mfider:ng ~he I woes of them, Lhar are yerfarre from rh1 s ~ra.ce •and mercy 111 Jefus Chnlt, and under Chu?s_of•blo?d. Men char faile upon the ·Sea, if rhey fee no:hing · bur w.we>, and vaft ragrng of waters about them , they keep rhemfdlves ofe in their Ship, though their Cabbins be bur littk; r:eJI: me ooe · rhiri" rh,Jt i• .good, where ChciJ! is 'nor ; fhew .me any. thing b~r m ifery~ / , death, a ;derernalforrowsoutof it; .oh therefore lit Gill, quietly, meekly; ' comentedly, though you b~ rolfed as high as .Heaven, and g0 down as deep as Hell again. · :.· ' '' . ,, . You¥e troL_:bledfomerimes wirh lolf~s of outward , rlhings, CarreL dye, . and· Rache!.r Children and Husband are nor, increafe lirrle, · l::!ecayes manyJ, and Job; wife bids him blefs God (and give !)ory eo him j l by confelfuag he is an Hypocrite, becaufe fo much •affiiSt~d ) ~ and dye; and David fees the ungodly flourifh , and he thinks he ~arh wailit his bands in vain ' , and ."• tils ooOd to fare and ltve here as they hve ; Oh confider t fupppofel the r Lord ' fuould g.ive thee thefe things <!She dorh to orhers, robe fnares , and ac J'afl: fay , I ft.!tow J oH net ,. when ·thy foul fhall cqme trembling out of a lic'K.ana weary body, before the Tribunal of God Almighty, a~ 'thefe; was roar pootion then{o~ood? Oh therefore takeyotruporrion, andQe rhankful-foric! Oh therefore be glad· in this, arjd fay, I have rh:efe' miferies; ,1 l!!rt.e. qlfilts •lolk\ I to fweet.:n them ' rhefe Iorro;vs, but ! .Ghrilts ·love to fati6tifie them' ! ' ; I fee Floods of Fire ariling , ; but oh here's 'this fhelteF to be a·Refuge ! to me! . · .l i You have heard what it is not ~o be b~loved, what a mifery it is; by r.har ', fee rb ;s, viz... , r. ·For rbe Lord to have thoughts of peace to, thee, when thou were no- : rbirlg bur dwh and mifery befo re his eyes, ro bear tbee in his heart ever fince 1 he WJS Cod.. ., I 2 . For the Lo r~ to fpeak to thee, and ma1<e an eternal Covenam, and , everypromife thin~. · Davids dyingwords, are, &J-hz. WM enot~gh, even all his i deLire ; and nor one rirtle bur' {1¥11 be accomplilhed one day. 1 j. For the Lord to ihed his blood, b~are thy fins, curfe, and .rread d&.vn / death and !in,and reare away rhe hand-writing ofrhe Law againlt rhee, rather 1 1 than the lea(t evil b~fall thee. . ·· 4· For rhe Lord to be working for thee by all good rhin£S , a:ll evil thing,, all providences, all Ordinances, night and day; and you may find tt in parr, and 111all find it hereafter. 1 , \ 5· For rh~ Lord' to accept all thy poor endeavours , defires , prayers, i.lf,ti({b )6. :, ' I 6. For rhe Lord to pity thee-in all rh~ mifery, and worH, times! the~1 I to l11ew his !:;tearert love, when deatb, and powers of clarl}nefs pur· forth ~heiF greatell malice I truly thus it is; Oh.let this love be .enough, confider- \ mg efpecially rhe woful condition of them that want ic, vvho lhall cry for ?he , . Yyy 2 fmrle,