Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ISaincs in his bofome like unto him , then you lblll wifh you had his love , 1 !..rnd lament, Rev. 1. 1111d wP~ ile , bect~ufe of i: im. Ob fecure world , will I ! you lie !lill in your linnes, and lie in your unbelief, till the fire burnes aboat you, and there be no efcape ! Oh that the Lord would piry you, many \ of you that have yet lived wi :h dry eyes, and merry hearts, and yec have no I love from Jefus Ch rill:. ' j Learn hence not ro defp:fe or refufe the love of Chrillwben it is ,ofl fered to you, and propounded CD yoo in the ·Gofpel ; we can <be content t0 wam rbe love of fome men, ocraufe we c:a1~ live well enough wirhout tb ~m, 1 and their love ; their love I oH hurts nor us ; but if {he lofs of their love I may be the lofs of our goods and lives, then ( if t{ maybe had) mep will feek for, and long for it, though idbou:ld nO't be olferecl ; but ·if o'ffered, it lis cladly accep~e<i!: So if you ;co~ld live w.i~ho:uabe 1ove of Chriil , you might content your (elves.; bu,c rhe lofs of ic is_ m~ re biw~r than ·ten thou- 'fand deaths; and therefo r-e refufe u not when 'lt lS offered; but as they, Ails 3. 39, 41. when 1they f<l.w how they had i:all;brued their runds in the blood of ~hri !t, and ye{faw grace offered,icis faid, TbeJ gi adlymeived the Wortl •f the Lord. The Law is a word of co;1tk·nnation; but 'that is not the laR word the L0rd bath f'£'Pke~ , then llholllctfpend time.. in vai-ne now; the Oofpel , even .tllewhdle.Co(pelis awoodoHoveand Rec0ncitiacion; 2Cor.'$.19,2b. wherein the Lorddeth b~fe.Mhuev :r;ob~ r~conc.iled; :i. e. to accept of Gods love offeredtberein. ·' The Lord knows fuH weU ~t;mensheans a-re fo full of enm1t~ , that they will never feek forl~eoonoliattcm fil.(t ,· -though they btve good 'cau'fe, becaufe they ·have offered the w.;orrg ; an;! •tberefore he ·!lands not .upon ermes, but offers ·Jovefirfr, wrdmut rwhl'cbte knows t-hey are for evet un· done ! Oh therefore ir, accept of jt when-it is efered to you ; 'and lofe thy tife, ratherchan lGfe his lov.e. ·•· · .· . For the further opening of ~s Poi~1: ' . I -fh~ll 1hetv three thin~s. ~ r . That Chrill doth offer his love in the Gofpel; and how. 2 . Upon wbattermes. 3· M_ociv~s to accept it_, and anfw;r ObjeCl:ions again(l acceptipg of1t. . . FirLl , That ' the Lord cloth offer, and how he doth offer his love in the Go· fpel; and ~his I fhall ' ~leare, ·becacfe n~r:hing can draw the foul to ·accept of love but thts. For thebetter underHandtng of ·wh!c-h, you mull ~onceive that the love of Chrifl in the Gofpel, is divedly manifeited unto men ; either to men afteuhey be m Chrill:, and are broguht home by it, and.this is a l ove of delight 111 them. Pft~lm :. 4$· _Io, I I. Or -it is a lnve of good wdl to men notbrOLtght home; as tt ~sl~Husbatlds, befo re their affetl:i~ns b~ fet upon any, they make love, a51t IS <z. Thejf. z . fo. T i.--ey uceivuL not the love of rhe truth, becaufe ~he tr-Hth made love to thtm . Luke z . 14. Good will to.v~ds men ; and this love, I fay is offered; this love the Lord ~akes unr<?you ; tland ~mazed at it, that _after all your linnes, wrongs done h1m, nothtngbut love IS offered , even b1s dearefllove ; fQr.thoJJ oh there is patience, pmver ro help, 1vifdome to_;uid.!; though tqere is r~rrour in him, yet, Taki my /Qve, faith ne, phn 3· 17. And hence, Heb. 2 . '· it is c~lled Great falvation, .'Or lr-ve; 'tis 0ffe;ed; e1fe hOIV cowd men be faid torej>!Cl: jt, or negleCl:it, which hewarnesthemof? Amaumay as we ll ue- --- """" -- ~- -- - - - ,... _...__ --. - Vfq .