The Parable of the Ten Virgins, many drowned, and rh ~ y ca[l: upon the fi10 re, ot!e comes to rhem, and of-\ fers them hou fe , and mear, and home, rhey tell htmWe are poor men nave · nothing ro pay; true , I know that, bur I have compaflion upon you' be _I caufe l fee yo'! are ditlre~ed men; fo 'ris here wirh the Lord Jefus , I know j thou hafl nothm~ to ~equtte n:e, but I have compaflion upon rllee , a( ceprt my \\race, t~ke H, ltveuponit, _b~cauf~ rhou arc a diflrefld foul; GocP harhlhewn wondrous mercy 111 giVIng ltfe, now I offer more, one would \ rh ink; now furely men lhould o~ glad to accept of this grace. , Q£e!f. V pM what termei is this offer of lovemade ? \ Anfw. There is nothing required, bur only and mec rly receiving of ir ;j J ohn I. I 2. Under the Law Jt WJS, Do all thu; but tQ~ Gofpt l fa ith nut 1 fo, but R~cei ve _me wlo have done a!l, and (~jfiml a!fo , wit.h tby whole\ heart; as I~ was 111 r~e. Land of promrfe, norhmg reqmred , but going up, and po!fefs It ; here Its no more. Prov. 4· 8. She fr ail brmg rim toh.• nour when thou doft embrace her. The offa of love, is li ke the offe r of a ric~ porrion, ncxhing required but receivirg· it thankfully, and fo living upon 1~; . f<? P(al. I 6. 5• 6, 7·. I thank_ the f:ord that gave mecounfe!, o ·c. Or as It ts m the offer of a Pnnce to a Tr.mour, he offers life w him; Upon·what _termes? I could crulh thee as a fly between my fingers, but I defire .nothmg , only accept my _favour '· come and embrace me , and then hve under my Government tn my Ktngdome, becaufe that I love thy company, and becaufe here is my honowr, and thy fafety; fo doth the Lord ·inthe Gofp_el, theLord profe!fechhe hadrathe.r a~oul fi1ould return, and Jive upon hts love, and under the Government of htslove, t'han dye; Cume under my wing.s ~ faith Chrifl:' , t.M.~ttthew :lj. yo11 mt~} all. I 1\'ould have you fafe, and near unto me, that you may feel the warmth and life of my love ; this is :ill the Lord looks for; and who would not accept of love up.on rhefe termes ( ·Thirdly, Motives to accept of it. Why lhould I name' any more than \ what the Text mentions? no woe like this to lore it! and though it may be now you. may ef!eem it nothing while 'tis faire w. eather, and whiles it i> aday of patience , yet when the depths of anger are broken up, then ybu lhall fee, and fay, Nopeoplelikeunco thofethat have tt, when you fi1allfee Chrirt on his Throne with ravifi1ing beauty, and fee him tread the Wine-prefs of · wrath alone, and his garments dipt in the blood 'of his enemies ; then you lhall fay, The want of this love is bitter; and hence if it b:: offered, rake it now gladly, thankfully,joyfully. Obj. Bnt I am but one, will the Lord receive me? A~<f. I have been fiirred up to p:each the Gofpel forthe fake of th:n One; and Jer. 3. q. I willtak§ one-of a Trih. Though all elfe be rejeC'ted{he Lord minds thee. · 2 . Objecl:. But Chnjl u in H eaven, how can I receive him, Md hi< love? Anfw. A mightyPrinceis abfenrfroma Trayrour, he fendshisHerauld with a Letter of love, he ~ives it him to read; how can he now receive the love of the Prince when aofent ? .Anfw. He fees his love in Letter, nows it came from him , and fo at a dif!ance clofeth with him by this 1 Meanes ; So here, he that was 8eacl, but now is alive, writes , fends to \ thee, Oh receive his love here in his Word; this is receiving him by j.1ith, \ Af!r.s •· '<7• 'l8. · · \ 3• ObjeC't. But lam not efe[fed, nor redeemed; if 1 kz!ew that,I d11rjf re- . · ceive the Lord and hi< love. . , .A nfw. What have you to do with Gods fecret Decree of Elef!r.idn ? i 'tis your dory to look to the Gofpel, wpi"ch is the Will of Gods command; ' there