I Ope~ed-and Applied. I 177 [rhere is a Will o.f Gods D~cre~, and a man may fuJfill chi~ Will and fin; as Jm fmtm in revolcing according w the Prophdic of the Prophet ; and ro fubmi[ to this, is nor mor.1l ob:dience, rhough moved rherero by a Dt· vine intlina , as in Cym ; but rhere is a Will of Gods Command , and rhis you are to look to; obedien<·e ro.chis ,. never wants irs recompence; Youfayyou are not Redeemed. 1nfw. ~rue; but ic~aybe rhou_arc R~ decmed; and rherdor;;: do not cruofie Chnfl a fecond nme ; receiVe thts love, and 'ris cert ain 'ris for rhee. 4-0bj.llut 1 am r,u; humbled fi•JficieH!r? . · A "· w. I knoi"HlO man can receive ChriH, till the Lo rd barb bumbleq and b;·o,.en h1m down; put kn01v, there is no more humiliation required, rhJn that which brings rhee to receive t he Lord Jefus ChriH. Many have a fpi rit of cleaving to, and -receiving of Cbrill:, as harh been opened, bnt are kept off, bccaute they feare'tlley are not humbled; bur mecbinks rh~ very otfer of Cbrift to one condemm;d and lot'! for ever , who muH el fe he 1 • w all eternity mourning ( merhink> this) 111ould break rhy hearr , if it be not a Swoe, and a Rock, as ic did Pt<H!s; iudeed you mufl be more and .· (J more humbled all your life; bur this is a confequent required of thofe who are in Choitt. 5· Obje-:'1:. But I canmt 6eliC'Ve , why pref[e }O:t rlu to it '? A4w. r, The Lord doth rtor prefs you to believe., becaufe you fhou!d bekvc from your felves; but rhat feeling your own inability, you might fuffer hi m to make you b~i ieve. " ~ 2. The Lord by words of Exhortation cloth work Faith ; there goes a· power wirh it; as Afls z. Repent; they gladly received the Word ; ',and whofe heart may ir not draw and compell , efpecially if there be any fpar~ ' ef God in any foule ? and therefore pray give the Lord leave to f.peak, whofc Word can quicken the dead , though the dead can n.either !tir'nor ~~ ' . 3· There be many of you that ,fay Yo~t cannot believe; but this G~ fpel drawes out a power ; The w~<y of the Lord, is ftrength tu the ujright ·, Prov. ro. z 9· Will you ? can you derpife or refufe his grace ? No;ir fhould conflrain. ' 6. Objea. But I have received him , and I feel r.o vertue from ~- . Anfv. r. I know many do r~ceive him, and feel not the verrue of I Chrill: ; but becaufe Saints may be kept .poor in Spirit, poffeffe all rhinos in Chr ill: ·, and yet receive little from Cbrill: , I !hall only ask cw"o l ~eflions. 1. HowdoHthou efteemof, anddelire thatblellingof Chrift? Daft e1 fteem of nothin~ fo poecious , defire nothing more , and follo1veft rh~ Lord \ on with prayer for it r it is in Chrii! for thee; whar thou wanreft, thou D1alt hav~ i:, John 4· ro. ph;t. :;. 9, ro. No falfe heart but undervalues thefe things; and the Lord will fulfill all chy delires; in heaven thou lhal.r have al l thy lins fubdued and trodden ro deach. 2 . How U. chy heart for rhy, general frame, affecred wirh eh~ abfence of i the good choufeeleft not from the Lord! doll: mourn bitterly for this? \ look as the Difciples chat mourned for Chrills bodily abfence, che Lord cells then, . Thq fhuuld rejoyce ; fo here; a ,carnal heart is indifferenr,rhough J he lo1e Clmfls venue. And therefore accept che Lords love~you poor moml nmg fouls; the moll !lony heart I_ fpeak eo; but much more unto the_ )'lea- · 1 l ry , and them thac ?ave been feek111g afrer the Loro , behol.c! falvaCion Is come to thy heart chts day , only lee u in ; do not rejecr it, becaufe thy linnes are great, thy unworchinefs great .; the Lord knows them , yet he of- . Zzz fers;