Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

The Parable of the TenPirgins, ! a mari bath not alfurance of Gods Cood-will ro him. And j 2. To Confcience; and this two wayes. , 1 • By pray~r; the fo~l being inllanr with God to revea~e ·his go0Cl-will, j rheV>rd dotlllt. Eu0_el 36. )7. I w,fl yet 6e er.qHmd of for tbu , &c. · zach. 13. 9· Hencetb~Lordaskscb;: poorbearc , ·Will nothing conrencl thee ~ut the Lord ? I w1 1 fulfil! thy defi res then, cbe Lord h1 rh beard thy cryes; all thy finnes !hall b;: pardoned, all rhofe corruptions fubdued , I ~~ . I 2. By rbe Minillry of the Word, when the foul harh been froWJrd in feek-J in" theLord , bur now mournes nnder it, that it cannot finde. the. Lord; the I Lo~d profe!leth, I'lecreacecbefruit of rhelips,peace. 'P/41. 25. 14. H e will fbew them his Covenant, &c. So that the foul is for a time, (lablith~d and fupporred by tbefe and the like blelfed words of Grace f:·om the Lord. Secondly, By an eternal Spirit of life, which (as from Chrifl the Head) I comes into every member , and is in them , and lhall be in them , never forfaking rhem, though it be grieved a thoufand rimes in a day by rhem ; cbis Spirit fees on the Covenant , and gives the firll fruit~ of glory, &c. lfaiah 59· ult. This is mJ CI?Venant , my Spirit fhall never defart, &c. ' Thus Chrifi apprehends hi~; herein differing from A dam, be was next ro God, and was apprehended by God. But r. le was by a Covenant ofworks. 2 • As a fir_fi_ cauf~ upholding, and preferving 1 and governing the fecond ; but this Spmt wh1ch lhould never forfake, rh1s he had nor; now when by Faith we are turned unto Chrift, Cbriflapprehends us with both chefe armes. Now e csntrli , you may fee what is it not to be apprehended by Chri!l. . Becaufe rhey were never given unto. Chri!l in Vocation by rhe Fathers drawinu , Joh.n 6. 65. And Chrifi rakes bold on none bue them ; th(!y are appreh~nded for cbe Givers fake, though they be worrhle!S in rbemfelves: All lawfulMarriage, is by the Parents confenc; fo here. Becaufe he.knows the vilenefs of fuch mens hearts, lying in their fin, the falfenefs, deceirsofchem, Joh.z.u!t. Asvveufecofay,Suchaone! No, I~· know him well enough. . Of fad Reproof to chofe who never trouble tbemfelves with any thoughts whether Citri!l hach apprehended them; if they have once apprehended Jefus Cbrifi, they never qceHion whether their Faith fo apprehend Chrift, a$ that Chri(l apprehends ir. Oh confider ! rhefe Virgins they did rhus after a fort apprehend Chrifi all chei: life, but now they_ know CbriH never loved them , becaufe they never favtngly apprehended h1m. I rememb~r !fa. 4· 1. Seven women fhall takj hold of one man, ~tnd Jhall fay, We will be called by thy Name, to ta/i! away our reproach 7 6ut we wilt eat our own 6read ; So many cake hold upon Cbrifi, Lord, lee us be call'd by thy Name, eo rake away ~mr reproach ; when as ch~y care for n? pare, nor portion in Chrifl, but they Will eat tbetr own bread, hve upon tbe~r ovvn lulls. It was Chnfli 1 fpeech untodive<s chat faw him, andfollowe~ him, Jokn 6. as to h:s !)if- \ ciples alfo. Except you ent .my fle(h, J"H have no life ltJ you. what cloth a man aim ;u in eating ? not only ~hac he _may haye Bread_in his hand, bur j he examines , What verruehath It? Hts end 1s, that It may grow one 1 with him, and be turned into the fame fleth with him ,>-and fo, chat there may 1 be a moH near union that .can be; fo lhould all Cbri/lians fludy that, and aim at char, chat the Lord may be nearly united to them, and grow one with them; , a gracious heart prayes and mournes for want of this. i . Oh .