Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I Opened and Applied. I Oh there be many tharprofefs, Whatil1ould I trouble my felf with rhis I and that grace? w.hen I have done all , I can btJt look U? ro Cbri(t ! True ; but will you nor yer rry whether you fo look ro Chritt, as r'hat be looks towards you? J•hn 10. 10. I lzr~w m11~, and am known of mine; rbere is \ a world of falfe faith in rbe_ wqrld. fer. 7· 8. 'vVhen they cryed rhe Tem1 pie of r~e Lord, fat rh he, Do )'OU f weare , ly, O'c? So I may fay, Are I you ilothful in carriage, difconrenr in familie~, t,ive in fecrer~dulrery, and your eyes andrhoughrs are full of tt? 'do you breaK your prom1fes , .and Co- \ venanr with God and men, and forget the Lord in a Land of ·Peace, care : for litrlc bnrtbar your Plough may fpeed, and your names may rife? and do i youcry, Chrift, Cbrifi? goro Sbibh, gorothe'P.tlatinate,Bohemia,andfee I what t..od bath done; Oh but I am bener! ob bur go to rbefe foolifh Virgins, let their dad ghofls. ~ffrighr thee , if rbe Lords Word cannot make rbee fearcb here. A man dro1vn~ng, ail his care wi ll be. for a hand ro rake him. JP would ' you if allw~re right; but you 1vill nor fo. ' : Of £.t·aminnt;o, , Wherher ever rhe Lord Jefus bath apprehended you , with his deareH love, as well as you bave apprehended htm? 2. Cor. I 3. 5· \ Jn ;~)I Covenants among men, whereby they are to binde themfelves onet-Q anoLher , men will make ir fure on borh fides ; Chriil: will make you fure ro i him; do you fee that be 'be alfo madeiure, and fat! boand and un~red uo1 to you. · Metbinks the confideration af the ex;;mple of the Virgins, might ~waken every one umo it ; for if this was the frame only of fome rude , prophane Ro~t of ~arnal Pr~te~nc.s, profelling ChrjHwith their lips, ~ur. denyino him m the1r hves, 1t mtght be excofable for us ; but when VJrgt.ns, and fo m~ny, and that in the.fe times of Chrills coming, to faile here, this may llrike a holy awfulnefs even in che belt ; and with mu,b feare and uernblioa ro.fearch chemfelves , as it di~ the Difciples of Chrill, when they heal'd 1 not ~any, but one only iliould betray him ; for rhere is this union on both I parrs, John Io. 14. ' · 1 2 'But though rhere is caufe to ~ear eh , I confef~ 'cis very hard to .finde , one rhis bldfed Love-knot, the umon between Chnfl: and the foul bemg fo \myflical, and fecrec, and fpiricual-a work, efpecially · in tbls life; wherein the 1ord Jefus arif~rh in the fo;s of bts people, nor in his perfecHulnefs, i bur only as rbe day-ftarre, at w ich time there is q1uch darknefs before rhe , riiirg Sun ;. and hence the Apo{ le, Gal+ 9. Yo~< hflve k,11own GJd,or rather lfrc 1 10own •f !Jim, r:!;·,. , 1 3· Butye' icmaybeknown; the manyex~mplesi mightalledge, might prove it; a-nd the .promife of ChriH to his Difcipks cloth evince it, · fohn , 14. 20• They were weak for~ time , and ChriH forfook them , and left th~m very forrowful for a time , but _faith he, I will c•mc to you again; yea, , ar. d they might b~ never awht~ thew1fer for that; Nay, ( fait~ he ) <tAt : thtlt d")' 1'"" fhr.!l kpow I am w you, and J"" zn me ; As a chtlde cannot reil how 'bis foul comes into it, nor ir may be, when; but afterwards it fees and feel~ that life: So (bathe were as bad as a B;aH, thar {l,oulddeny an im· · rr.orr'l loul; and 'ris an Anide of our Faith; fo here, &c. ', 4· Ahd rruly when it is known, 'tis exceeding ~feful, i.f a man was never aopr~hend~d by Chrifi , char qow before he b! caH out of fight, and · ' re~ eh of Chdt, he may (if poffible) gee rhe Lord to apprehend him; ~nd if be bath bee~ ap;, rchended, be may be fupporred in fad .combates, and ; comforred ao,1inH all fear~s of Apoftacy from the Lord , but may know he ', Hat1ds as f:iH~1s Mount Sion tbat nev~r can be removed; for rimes of _fpimual Ufe 2..