Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

r 90 The Parable ofthe Ten Virgins ,__ _ _::_ ___:__A_n_(_w_er-. - T-he_ t_a_t_tlc_ i_s_ n-or- hcre , bur in rhis , You will nor ufe! this means in mufing on rhc gracious f;eenefs., riches and ne~d of his lo\·e ) . Vjt 5· M eanes I . <pj ,d. 6 <: 6,7. burontheeanh. 1 r. Objett. Yot< will frlJ, I c.1nnot bm reJi(l-. . j A t~jwcr, Yet I pray give us leave ro exhorr you ro believe ; give Peter 1 leave tO perfivade; A Cts ; . 19. 'f0pent and b! ccnvmcd; the Lord re- ! quires that only; it may be rh~ ~ord may go away from thy foul, and rake j' hts leave of thee forever_; and1fyoudtdknow, you would nor crucifie, no r refiH th~ Lord of glory; 1fyou would confider, youwould know. J 2. ObJeCt. I finde my he<rt much ajfe[fed and drawn , bt t thm l' I am aft" aid ofv:fumi ng ; l:o:v {hall! k_z.ow when I may clofe Jvi th theL ord ? .Anjw. I. When rhe Merchant harh fold all, !er him rake rhe Pearl, and I emioh himfelfwirh ir; the Devil may grudge rhee ir, bur rhe Lord dorh nor , will nor. 2 . \\ben rhe Lord comes ro draw indeed , you cannot bur accept ; your I need will be fo grear, the offer fo faire, Jovefo abundant, and like the honeycomb d~opping inro rhy heart befere rhou fuckefl: ir; and Chriit fo dear, I rhauhou canflnotueadupon h;m whomGodharh fmirren fonhee. Mrt - ry Joh. zo. I 5> 16, 17. ftands weeping; atlafl: Cbrilt appeares , Wmnan , wh7 IV1tptft thou? whom feekffl thou ? Jhe / him not ; hence her heart llirres not; but at Jalt be calls her by her name, and then fhe kne1v him , and faw him prefent ; .F.11bb•ni, faith fhe; and now had Jh: belt apprehend ? Yea, fhe cannO! bur embrace him ; Oh touch me Wri t M yt fairh he, &c. Of ~xhort~rion, ."!"o !al:ourthattbelor9 Jefu~may app'rebendyou: I know 1r's nothmg but his mercy can move him to .It , even eo rake away rhat refiHance of your h~arcs ; but yer heare his voice, as .well as know his power, and harden not your hearts whiles it is called today, in ufeof means fortbisend, Pjal:6r.7. · . . . · r. Confider your l)eed of this. Ifn. ·42. I . Behold 1»] fervant whom 1 11pho!d; Did Cbrifl: need? Yes, Cbrifl: himfe.Jf mull: .be fupporred bpbe power of the Lord ; Pjal. 40. IT, I 2. Let thy merq and trnth'J rref erve me; and this was nor only when finnes [wallowed him up, bunyben he had been preferved, <J'falme 17. 5,6. Hold 11p m7 goings; You are gone in a momem, if rh~ Lord lers his hold go ; you are kepr in fl:rong holds, in Iron bolts, in inviflb)e', everlafl:ing cbaines, in the Dungeon where no warer is, _unlefsrbe arme of Chrifl: help. z,. Confider rhe benefic of it. A its z. 24, 2.5. le' was impoflible Chrift fhould be held under paines of death , becaufe of his Princely Spirit exalting him ; fo here , Chrifl: is and will be wirh you, and when once he barb apprehended you , none can pull you out of his hands, no not the: Fathers hand chat was angry; and he will never cafl: away his ( J whmtheJ come ~h~. I 3. Confider howfew finde this. lf4· 53. I. To whom io the nrme of the/ Lord revealed, and who l: i11h believed our report ? bqth joyned togerher, r-he acme is Chrifl:, and the power of Chrifl: by his Spirit in the hearrs of bisl Eletl:; bur for want of rhis , iris that one_lives loofely , and anorher fa'lslj foulely, and nc:ver rifeth ; another falls fecrerly, and is never known, and dyes in adreame, &c. and rhar rhere is fuch miferable fcrambling fori\ promifes ; and rhat men arefo worfhipping whom rbey know nor. 4- Confiderrhe mifery of the want of this. , \ But further , . . .Be careful to get farisfaC!ion by blood , before Appl ication by tpe Spirit_; 1 l._ __::c__.::....~~='"'~"'""""-..... ~~-------------- --~-· - - - \t,