Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened and Applied. if ever you look for r_he latter, be ~areful t~ get the former; God is full of Spirit; why fends he tt not! finne IS not fansfiedtor, firH get that done therefore. John 6. B· except le ent mJ flefh , tmd drin( my h!ood, &(". God could not fend the Spirit nof' Word burfor this to thee ; a man feeles the firength of finne, a~d prayes, Lord, fubdue it.; oh bot _look to .P_ay t~y Ranfome. If a man be m chatnes for debt, and gets out wtthout fattsfachon fonbe debt or wrong , he will b~ raken, againe ; butif it b~ fatistied for, though be be takenby the Jaylour , ar.d ill-inrreated , yet be fhall be fer free aoaine · and therefore do as thofe , L evit. 3· 3, "'· You are freely t; go r'o Sacrifice ; and it's faid , it [hall I'" accepud to m.1k! Atonement. , . I( the Lord with-hold his Spirit, mourn forrhe want of it; as Pfal. 41 . 3· UWyuarsaremy meat. . ' If the Lord gives any thmo ; be thankful for any little; fee it, and make much of it , for it is from Chrifi, the leaH thought or knowledge of thy mifery ; J ohn 14. Ii· The -world cannot receive it, becnnfe it k_nows him nor; i.e. fo as w prize ir, _love it, bk(s, and v-:onder at the Lord for ir. ThJ Spirit u go:d, Lord ltt tt lead me, fau~ Dat:td. Wh11t if I finde mt thefe thtngs m my foul? A-'fw. Mourn then. Ob)eet. Whet if I cannot ? Anfw. Then mufe on thy mifery. Object. But I cannot? · Anf w. Then hear what the L9rd will fpeak. Q!_tef!. What 1f he helps not? -. ~ A •fw. Thou art unworthy, thou art his clay, he may and will do what he will. Of tban/z.fulnef? to the Sai11ts TPho lire apprehended of the Lord fe{UI; you know him , and he knows you ; you come to him , and he takes you ·~ you give up your felves to him , and he gives himfelf ro you ; y011 make him your God and Head, and he inakes you nis people and Members, &c. Oh be thankful for rhis; 'tis a choice and peculiar mercy, denied to ma. ny,andgivenuntoyou. '1'[almt 7 :; . 2~,24,25, z6. Thou 1.rt continuflflJ -with m: when f~tllin$ from thee; . What IS rhe ufe that Da·lJid makes? Thou wilt guide ; and nence , whom have I in - heaven' VHt thfl ? I might be broken , and like water fpilt on the ground .every moment, but thou keepeR me. Object But I finde the L ord methink.J f•met ime Htterly go11e from me; and I f ear h~ wt!l fd ile. , . . .Anfw. Trl!'~; and hence Jerem111h asks, Jer.x ~ . IS. Wiltthuube unto me M , a lyar , ancl '" watt rs thnt {<t ile ? fhi!ll thy truth 11nd merc1 be fPrnt ? No, once apprehended, he will not lofe thee. Q:!_eH. How (htdll know that? J1nfwer. Something I have fpoken, and rhree things mor.:: I fhall add . now. Fi• (1. Youmayknow it by time pr.::fent; There are two things which fe!dome fail in deepe(tdilertions. ' I. The foul forfakes notthe Lord by unutterable groanes, when the Lord feems w forfake ir, Pfa!. 22. 2, 3. and it prelferh hard after ·the Lord, Pf•tlme e'). l!. anddorh not as rhePhilifiines, zS11m.s.21.forfaketheirgods, ' when they forfake them. . z. H rhis fa i les , it grows poor in fpirit, and vile, and !oaths it felf, as : worthy the Lord lhould never rega;d it, /f;~illh 57· I 5· andfo magnifies orace ::::: ·~.) ! Ufe 6.