Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Chri[l jud.;ettl now medtardy by meancs ot lm fervanrs; and hence h~ nor giving,_and rhey not havt ng perr"eEt knowledge oi the fecrers of mtm h\=<lrcs, nor havtng perfetl: hat red of rhe cvtl and hypocnlie of m~ns hearcs ; hence they are noc f~para t ed no;v, nor ,cannoL be ( rhough rhe ~ervanrs· of Cod lhould be very watchful) !o long as rhey cannot fee nor convince men of all rheir Hypocrilie; fom:: li~hr a11d I if~ he gives them t 'l fee b~yond their 0 .vn namral abili:ies , bur it IS nor pen::c1erl; and hence his work is ( as rhe idtrumems are ) imperfetl: ; bur now when Chnl! himfdf comes immediardy ro Jud.;e, a~> d .they fall_ imo his hands , he can p~rfeS:ly fee all thCir fecret evils; he harh hts eyes !tk~ a flam:n; hre, and rhemfel\•es !hall know , and al l Churc hes t1)all know; nay, all rbe world Jl)all know rhat he is a Go.l jtArtl,ing tbe he;ns and rei~es, I S~m. 16. 7· and he perfe.:.l:ly harbs Hypocrifie; he r~gards nor any mans perfon, or parrs, or Frofeff10n , or kmdnd !es, oc relalions, ( "hich D;loye us many rimes ro accept whom he 1 refufeth agaJnlt lomt: Jighc) bur as 'us , If.~; 61. ls. J-h bates >obberr in bilrnt •ffe. ings, ,,;d loves juJ/pment ; and he:JCe, the mer~ p•efenr Chritt I is wtth hts p~oj-lle, rhe more able are they to dtfcerne, as Pmr , the fecrer-s of A111:"'i.:u i11 r h~ Primitive times , or rbe l.ord difcernes for them, and by fome unexpecl:"d way or other lirr le rhou:;hr of to themfelves, difcovers ' I rh~m by r·he!r own mc~ur hs , or bafe a.:l:ions; by th~ir fruits you il1all kl1ow ' them; t.Jl.iat~ hov 2 2. I2. whenth~ Kingcame, be wasJPeechle(S, whom lrhe Guetls could nor d·fcerne; So here , men have many rhinos ro fay f >r I rhemfelve~, who when they come b~fo re Chrifi, will b~ ttruck dumb. A wife Prince when he judgeth byinferimrr Officers, rhe~ may difcern offome cafes; · but if a King (as Solomon) was prefenr, fecrers whtch they fee nor, would be I found out ; [o here. Rea(. 2. Becaufe this is,part of the Curfe upon Hypocrites, To be cafi r our of rhe fdlowlhip of rhe EleB: ; fecret fmnes cjo not only feparare us from Chriil, bur from all our fello1vfhip with rhe Saints; which next to fepararion from Ch_ri!t , is the greareH ev iI in the world ; _Ir comforts the 1 hearts of Hypocmes, they are luved of good p_eople, a~d liked of~good peo- ' pie; and rbough pr vy ro a 1vorld of filt h, whtch a gractous heart Is aChamed ! of, and lo.1rhs himfelf for, and thinks himlelf nor worrhy of a look of Ion , \from any of rh~ le1(!; _yet Hypocrites quiet themfdves ,, if they can cov~r it from the eyes of Gods people , <J' 24. 40. but n.:>w they Chall no : Ion_5er rejoyce under the l1uclo;v of rhefe Vi nes; No, the· l.ord will fcpa1 rare rh~m w evi l, D,ut,z,;.zi. which is partly begun now,and pcrf~cl:ed afrerw~rd; M..r.8. I I, 12 . they Jlull fee Abrahamand Jf,..:c in GodsKingdome,antl mourn when r hemfelves are ca!t out. !. 'R..r•f. :;. For the joy and comfort of r,he Saints; for it's a wonderful joy' ! tD the .ha rt tu enjoy fellowil1ip of Saints al one ; when in a Sacrament wel jfeeprophanepeop le approach to it, it troubles tiS,grieves us; when we come ) .' roa phce where we may b~ perfwaded of the upr;ghrnefs of all , it's very fweer; but nowrhc:re is fomefeare, and l:Ience lefs joy; but wh-;n we Chall fee rhe Saims rogerher, and fay, Th~fe are rhey who are eoernally ~eloved of ChriH, d::are to him, and to be wtth them, and be alone , rhis is very fweer; thole th,lt love togerh~r only , reJoyce to be alone together ; fo Saihrs, [o Chritt himfelf, I The(.+ u!r. Rev. 22. 14. lJlejj'rd nr~ thq that k!tp !Jis comm·ma's, andma_y go to the (rry; for without are dogs, and tho) w/x; r;Jak_e l;es, G"'t. Cb~~afon 4- In regard o~ the Glory of Chr'!t , and Honour of FirH, Hereby Chri!ts infinite wifdomelearching the fe.crers of all heam, ' Bbbb l11aU I